Chap -13 I like him

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Did you ever get the feeling like you are excited to see someone, feeling like the whole zoo inside your stomach when that  'someone ' touches you or even look at you? I'm feeling that way right now and that person is giving me loving eyes right now and he didn't even know. Massy is sitting opposite my chair and we are at some cafe,  he is telling me something about the latest series and I am looking at him not listening to his talk but looking at him with stars in my eyes, that for sure.

" Are you listening to me Tessi, I know I talk all the time but at least pretend that you are listening," he said little angrily. He huffed and pouted at me and I was having the whole carnival inside my stomach and I am loving every second of this pout and cuteness.

"Sorry, I'm listening now. " I said by putting my hand under my chin and giving my whole attention to him.

" Why are behaving like this, I am noticing you always lost in some thoughts and leave me alone here," he complained with a more cute pout.

"I am sorry massy," I said by putting my hand on his, the sparks of my crush on him is not helping also.

"I am not forgiving you, only one thing can get you to my forgiveness and that is a night at my house, you, me, and Nick," he said excitedly with his puppy eyes which never fails on me nowadays.

" OK  cool, I will come to your place but,  first you are going to buy me some gummy bears and skittles and lots of ice cream. " I said and still thinking about other candies.

" OK deal "he grinned and we leave for the Walmart for my shopping. I make my way to the candy section and there I saw my ex-crush Zach who was buying something,' duh' he is in Walmart Tessi. I immediately turned and started to pray that he won't notice me.

"Hey, do I know you, I've seen you somewhere," he said with a smile but I was angry at him that he doesn't even know me but I was not disappointed, I don't know why I don't want to talk to him.

" Yes, I go to the same school as you," I said with a fake smile.  I make my way out of the section. 

" What is your name," he asked with a flirty smile, when I was having a crush on him he never noticed me now I don't want to talk to him, he is making conversation with me.

" Tessa," I said with a fake smile.

"OK Tessa you are beautiful " he answered. Where is Mason when I need him.

" Tessi come or we will get late and Nick is waiting at home. " massy came out of nowhere.

" O you are going somewhere, why don't you give me your number so, we can talk another time, "he said and my eyes popped out like bloody mother why is he asking my number.

" No, she is not giving you her number and get lost. " Massy said with an angry look.  He took my hand and pulled me to the cash counter.

" I'm asking her not you "Zach frown at massy.

" And I'm saying on behalf of her" massy said.

"Is she dead or mute?" Zach said with a smirk.

" I am not deaf nor mute and you are rude so shut up. " I said angrily to which he frowned.

" Bitch "I heard a murmur coming from Zach as he was turning to exit the door, suddenly massy throw a punch at him and grabbed his collar, and broke his nose in one shot. He was punching him constantly and then pulled out of my thoughts and pulled massy away from Zach so, massy stay out of trouble for fighting.

" Stay away from Tessa," he said with glaring at him.

" I am not a fool to be near some ugly bitch," he said with a scowl.

"You better run because if you caught by me then you are in deep shit. " massy said with a glare.

" I am going anyway," Zach said with a
Disgusting look.

Zach went away but massy was looking at him for the murder he was planning.

I put my hand on massy's chest to calm him down which he calmed.

"You're the most beautiful girl in the whole world, do you understand Tessi". He said with a smile.

"I know you are saying this to make me feel better," I said as I wanted to know of what do Massy think of me.

" You are a beautiful and amazing person, you are kind to everyone and I think you are lovely friend," Massy said immediately.

" Thank you for your support and love". I said with tears in my eyes.

" Why are you crying Tessi, he doesn't deserve these tears and smile of yours," Massy assures me with a kiss on my forehead and hug. If getting hug and kiss is what I got from massy after every time I cry then I can cry all the time.

" Now smile, " Massy asked with a grin.
I smiled and we make our way to the car after paying for the bill. We reached the home of Massy with Nick standing at the gate from waiting for us.

" Tessa, I missed you so much " he hugged me to his height and jumped to me so I can catch him.

" I missed you too, baby," I said with a giggle.

"  Why are you calling him baby,  " Massy said with a frown.

" Cause he is a baby " I answered still carrying Nick. " oo " Massy replied.

" I am not a baby, I have a girlfriend," Nick said proudly.

" And who is this girlfriend of yours," Massy asked with a frown.

" Tessa ' duh ',"  Nick said.

" What" We both asked at the same time.

" Yes, Tessa is my girlfriend, cause I like her and she likes me too, right Tessa you like me, you are my girlfriend," he said with an innocent smile, so I said something which I am going to regret later.

" Yes," I said smiling at him.

" See, Mason she is my girlfriend and I have a hot girlfriend. I am going to  introduce all my friends to Tessa "
Nick said.

' Sorry' mouthed Massy which I smiled.

"Let's go we should start our day with ice-cream or else it will meltdown. "I said.

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