Chap-6 Bad boy is not so bad.

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Mason made his way to his room, I followed closely behind him. He suddenly stops walking causing me to bump into his rock solid back. He smirks at me as he slowly opens up the door to his bedroom. Why does he smirk so much all the time? I was so lost in thought I didn't see his dresser, I stubbed my toe so hard I think I might've broken it. I try and grab my toe while hopping on one foot. I lose my balance and just as I was about to hit the floor Mason grabbed me and pulled me right back up. 

"Are you okay?" he asks with a concerned face, he's so close that I can feel his warm minty breath. I suddenly start to feel the pain in my toe again, I start hoping like an idiot which causes Mason to burst out laughing behind me. 

"Can you stop laughing at me you fool? It hurts really bad." He walks over to me and picks me up bridal style. He gently throws me on the bed. The pain is starting to go away now. 

"What are we going to do now that nicks asleep?" Mason asks. I simply shrug. 

"Let's watch a movie," he suggests with an evil smirk.

"But we just watched a movie," I say. I sit up on his bed and pull my legs underneath my chin. 

"How about a horror movie?" he asks with an evilness to his tone. Just by mentioning a horror movie, I feel a shiver run down my spine. I hate horror movies, I despise them. 

"No, not gonna happen," I say frantically. 

"Awwww, is someone afraid of a scary movie? Are you afraid of the dark? Let me guess you sleep with a teddy bear at night." He says with a pout. He's clearly mocking me. 

"No your wrong, horror movies don't scare me, and I'm not afraid of the dark." I saw trying to reassure him. He doesn't look convinced. The smirk on his face never falters. 

"So let's just watch it then." He says shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly. 

"Yeah let's watch it. I'm not a scared little girl." I announce, trying to sound confident. 

"Okay, how about 'Exorcism of Emily Rose.' He suggests as he starts looking for the cd. I feel my hands start to shake. 

Once the movie starts we realize we forgot the popcorn. Mason quickly jumps off the bed to go make some. I offer to come with but he tells me to stay and watch the movie. In all honesty, I don't want to stay in here by myself, but I don't argue on it.  

After ten minutes he still hasn't come back and I'm getting worried. What if someone broke in and is tying him up right at this very moment? Okay, that's probably not the case, but you never know. I pause the movie and speed walk out of his room and down the stairs. All the lights are off and the silence is deafening. The door to my right starts to creak and I feel myself starting to freak out. 

I quickly walk into the kitchen but Mason is nowhere to be seen. The bowl of popcorn is sitting on the counter just waiting to be eaten. I walk over slowly but just as I reach for the popcorn a figure pops up from behind the counter and screams BOO! I scream like a maniac and fall backward right onto the cold kitchen floor. My whole body is shaking and I feel like crying. 

At this point, Mason stops laughing at his not so funny joke and crouches down to my level. I feel his thumb caress my cheek and I realize I really am crying. He grabs me and pushes me into his chest, and just holds me for a few minutes. I can hear his heartbeat, it slowly calms me down.  Once I stop crying I realize we've been sitting like this for over five minutes. I push him away and quickly stand up. I run up the stairs to grab my bag and cell phone, so I can get the heck out of here. 

I probably shouldn't be so angry, but he knew how much I hated scary movies. Obviously I wouldn't find it funny when he scares me shitless. 

"I'm Sorry Tessi, I didn't think it would scare you that much. Please don't go. I hate seeing you cry." He tries pleading with me. 

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