Chap-42 Truth about him-2

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Tessa POV. ...

I have been awake for an hour I guess and there is no one else in the room. The room is cold, like shivers cold. The door suddenly opens with force and enter Victor, again alone. He looks at me and find a chair and sit on it. He claps once and then after a minute a man comes inside.

" Why is she not tied up with ropes ?" Victor said with an angry look.

" She was drugged, so we thought she will not escape, " The man said silently.

Victor took out a gun from his pocket and shoot the man on his arm. I flinch back, I am scared is an understatement. He is a fucking psycho. He shoots him.

" Why do you think so much, didn't I told you to tie her. " Victor said in a scary way. " Did you complete the task ?" Victor added.

" Yes, b-boss " The man groans as he lies in the ground.

" Now stand up and leave," Victor said.

The man tries to get up with a groan of pain here and there. He looks at the boss one last time and closes the door.

" So where were we? Oh, I remember, I was about to tell you the reason why I kidnapped you. You see I am a second child in my family. " he look at me with a creepy grin and continue " My family had the largest hotel chains in the entire state and from the beginning, they told me and Charlie that the business will be given to my brother as he was the eldest son. My brother was everything for me from the beginning but after I was matured enough, I knew that my parents don't even love me. They gave everything to Charlie. " He stops.

" Everything. They loved Charlie from the start and they won't even look at me. So once when I was just roaming around in mom's room and I found in the family album, they have all kid pictures of Charlie. Like from birth and all but not a single one of my childhood pictures were there. I thought they didn't get time for clicking my photos but you know what I found next. Picture of us three. Me, mom and dad, with a big board of adoption house. They adopted me, she didn't give birth to me. "

He laughs and shook his head. " I didn't say anything when they love my brother in front of my eyes. They gave him everything he said and in the end, they gave the whole business and what did I get nothing. No love from them, not a business. Nothing ".

He is not looking while saying this whole thing. He is looking at this wall like watching his whole life as a movie, at some point he looked at the wall with anger and at others looking at the wall with tear-filled eyes but didn't drop even one tear. I am feeling sad for him. His whole life his family gave attention to his elder brother and all he was asking for was some love. I know how it is to not get father love and he didn't get anyone's love.

He suddenly turns his face and looks at me in the eyes with a different expression. They have love, anger, and most of all loneliness in them.

" I didn't complain about anything. I loved my brother more than this whole business world. But then I saw her. She was so beautiful. She was an angel, her smile, her laugh, and her funny stories. She was my best friend. I loved her. But she got married to my dear old brother. "

I gasp as I hear about Mason's mother. She was the reason behind all of his craziness.

" My parents and hers were best friends so they decided to take this friendship to another level. They said they are arranging a marriage between the two families. I was so happy that finally, God has given me some love and My parents knew from the very start that I have feelings for Emily, I was dancing and singing the whole day as I eavesdrop on their talk. But I guess God doesn't like seeing me happy. Charlie came into my room that night and inform me that Mom and Dad had arranged his and Emily's wedding. He was so happy. Who wouldn't, she was so nice and kind. "

He looks at me and said " You remind me of her, her eyes, her hair and face. " he stands up from his chair and comes towards me. He sits on his one knee and moves my lock of hair. He glances at my eyes again and laughs suddenly. I flinch back

" Fuck, you are weird. I am telling you my life story. Why? " he said.

" Sleep," He said and walk away.

He walks without turning back. I lean towards the wall and take a deep breath. He is crazy, he is sad one moment and then started to laugh creepily.

I have to get out of here immediately. I have to make a plan. I can't sit here and wait for him to hurt me.

He is like a ticking bomb, he will blast at any time.

Mason's POV...

I glance at my front as it was the same building where I was held 2 years back. I look around myself for any other guard as I punch the last guard and knock him down. I have been training after the kidnapping, I learned many things like how to run faster or fight against the other guys.

I tiptoe into the main door as I remember me stabbing that guy. I don't have time for this I have to save Tessa.

Tessa waits for me, I am just about to take you away from here.

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