Chap-3 Bad boy also blushes

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After school, I make my way home and perform my usual routine. I change into a light blue sundress, that is both cute and comfortable. I slip on a pair of white sneakers and tie my hair into a messy low bun. I quickly make my way downstairs and out of the house before I'm late for work.

I take my bicycle and ride as fast as I can to Mr. and Mrs.Smiths bakery. Even though they are like family to me they take punctuality very seriously and will scold me if need be. As soon as I arrive I chain my bike to the pole outside the quaint shop. As enter the Bakery the bell above the door jingles, signaling my entry. Mrs.Smith is behind the counter taking people's orders as fast as possible since there are numerous people on line. It's getting very busy this time of the day.

"Hello honey, thank goodness you're on time. Can you please take table five? There are too many people on line for me to leave." she explains to me quickly. Before I can get a word in she is already back to taking orders. I laugh under my breath and make my way to the back to grab my apron. Once I grab it, I tie it around my waist, I grab my little notebook and pen, quickly tucking them into my apron pocket. I make my way to table five and gasp in surprise when I see who's sitting there.

"You? What are you doing here? How did you know where I work? Who told you about my workplace? Can you please answer my question! Why are you staring at me like that? What is your problem? Are you insane?" he quickly cuts off my insistent rambling.

"Can you stop talking for a second so I can answer," he said, clearly trying not to laugh. I turn red as a tomato when I realize how much I just embarrassed myself. A ridiculous smirk makes its way onto his beautiful face, gosh I hate that stupid smirk.

"Why are you blushing? " he questions, still smirking.

"Don't change the subject," I say puffing my chest trying to look confident. His eyes slowly turn downward as he finds my cleavage through my dress. His ears turn red. Why is he blushing? So bad boys can blush? This is quite a revelation I think to myself. I quickly cross my arms over my chest, but that just makes my cleavage more noticeable.

"Why are you blushing? " I ask with a smirk.

"No, I'm not blushing. Stop this nonsense and take my order. I'm busy and don't have time for this." he says angrily. Sheesh, bipolar much?

"Ok ok, don't be mad, what would you like to order, Sir?"I ask with a sickly sweet smile.

"Chocolate chip cookies and Espresso, thanks," he says without making eye contact. I quickly walk away before I can further embarrass myself. I turn to the counter where my friend Ben takes orders. He's a total flirt but a good person. He always helps me when I have a lot of customers, like right now.

He hands me the espresso and cookies at the counter with an innocent wink, of course. I turn around and walk over to table five where Mason sits with a scowl on his face.

"Who was that boy? Is he your boyfriend?" he asks with a frown.

"Who Ben? No, he's just a friend." I say.

"Then why did he wink at you and is currently staring at you with a puppy dog face?" he says angrily, what is his problem?

"It's none of your business, whether he is my boyfriend or not," I answer with a smug smirk. Why does he sound jealous? I barely know him. And where did this confidence of mine come from?

"Whatever, I don't care. I wanted to ask you about something," he says now a bit more relaxed than before. Once again I think this boy is bipolar or something.

" What do you want to ask?"

"Can you babysit my brother for me tonight? I'll pay you for it," he asks me.

" Why? Is your mom going out tonight? And why me?" I ask still shocked why he would want me, a total stranger, to babysit his brother.

"I can't handle him alone, and no my mother is not going out tonight, she's dead. I also don't trust anyone else to help me" He said all of that without flinching once. How could he be so cold? Why would he trust me? I don't even talk to him properly most of the time.

"Why do you trust me? "I ask.

"Because you're not scared of me. And most importantly you haven't asked me how or why I killed someone." he quickly says. I'm so confused.

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