Chap-15 Introduction as girlfriend

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       Mason was being in his closest and crush or not I am angry at him but I know just after two hours or maximum of two and half hours I am going to forgive him cause I can't stay mad at him for that long time. I changed into a sweatshirt which is on the side of the bed and some shorts that were loose and I have to tie the knot so it won't fall. I make my way downstairs to eat something and find Nick in the dining room, he is just staring at his food and look like he is in deep thoughts.

" What happened, why are you not eating food and what are thinking about Nick, " I asked him as I sit beside his chair.

" Nothing Tessa," he said with a fake smile that I know immediately and ask him again.

" Nick you can tell me anything you know that right, "I said with a concerned smile.

"It's just I promised my friends that I am going to introduce you to them and then we can go for ice cream with you," he said with a sad smile.

"oh! yes, you mentioned it before and I'm coming too then what is the problem," I said with a confused look.

" You are coming, I thought you were angry with me and you don't want to go with me and my friends, "he said excitedly and started to jump on his seat.

" Yes I am coming and we are going to eat ice-cream afterward, "I said to make Nick happy.

He eats his food in the rush and runs to his room for a bath and Mason was leaning on stairs while looking at me with a smile. I ignore him and make my way to the kitchen to eat something and I know he is going to follow me.  I asked one of the maids about what is for the breakfast and got one egg and bacon on a plate and as I was going to eat there comes the devil and he did the biggest crime and that is stealing my food in front of my face, he better run away cause if he gets catch by me he is going to die.

" Your bacon is the best and after stealing it, it is tastier," he said with a smirk.

"You are so dead Mason tiffin," I said with a glare and got ready to pounce on him but  Nick comes and stand in front of me and hold my hand runs to the main door.

"Nick why are running and Tessa had not eaten yet so let her eat first," Mason said to Nick.

Nick still pull me and answer  Mason.

"Can we eat on the way please " Nick pleaded to massy.

" OK sit in my car I will drive you two nearest cafe and you eat first and then you can go to your friend's place, " Massy said as he goes back to get keys and we make our way to the garage. 

   We reach the nearest cafe and I eat a big Oreo muffin with an espresso and we made our way to Nick's friend's house to there party. Nick, Mason and I knock at Gavin's house ( Nick's 1 st friend and the door opened by a cute little black glasses boy and they did their signature handshake and invite us in Mason argued with me that he don't wanna come inside but I argued back by saying ' what am I gonna do with tiny little munchkins ' then he argues again

" Then how about we both go back to my place and Nick can stay and I will pick him up later, "Mason said.

" No, I promised Nick that I will play with the kids for a while and Nick also wants me to meet with his friends. " I explained.

" I don't want to come it's like I'm going to sit by the corner while doing nothing and that is gonna bore me please can we do this another time "he pleaded but I made my mind that I will not break my promise.

" You can go I'm going inside," I said and get inside the house.

I knew massy is going to come behind me because he is going to be alone anyway. I heard footsteps coming from behind me 'there he comes ' I giggle inside.

" you are so cruel " he mummers with a frown.

The Gavin guy, two other kids, and Nick started to talk as I entered the living room.

"  Tessa sit here, I want to introduce you to my friends,  so the girl with red hair is Taylor and the one who is sitting on the side of Taylor is Tyler, they are twins and one who opened the door was Gavin and friends this is the girl I was talking about you know my girlfriend," he said excitedly, I don't want to make him sad so I didn't correct him about me being his girlfriend.

Gavin and Tyler said She's beautiful at the same time and  Taylor's eyes started to get teary and she made a run to the bathroom so I got concerned about her so I followed her. She was on the ground leaning towards the wall and She wipes her eyes as she sees me coming.

" Hi I'm sorry I ran like that," she said politely.

" what happened, " I said and sit beside her.

" Nothing," she said not making eye contact with me and I know she is lying so I try to talk about other things.

" Do you know I used to cry when I got sad and my classmates started to bully me but I  still cry sometimes and it doesn't show that I'm weak, I know I'm brave and that is what matters. " I said with a smile.

" I like Nick," she said shyly.

"OH, you like Nick then why crying, " I ask with a confused smile.

" Because you are her girlfriend so he doesn't like me " she sadly said.

" No he means as a friend but a girl so he doesn't like me but he may like you,  you know as a girlfriend " I smirk at her.

"Really! but I'm not that pretty "she said.

"No, you are pretty you look like a princess," I said with a smile.

" So he is going to like me "she giggles.

" OK now how about we go back so we can play, "I said.

"Yes let's go "she grabs my hand and drags me out of the bathroom to the living room.

"Are you okay Tay, you suddenly run off  " Nick said.

" yeah I am fine "she shyly said.

Oh so they both like each other and I'm shipping them as Nilor, Aww they look cute together and I am going to be there cupid.

Follow me please, pretty please 😐

Vote me my buttercups

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