Bonus Chapter-Their baby

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Tessa's POV

"Ahhhh" A sound of wailing came from Rasha's room. I signed. There she goes again.

I pick her bottle at bringing it up to my cheek to check the temperature. It is warm but not too much. Perfect.

I walk as fast as I can to reach her room. She is just like Mason, whining all the time. I laughed at my joke and paddled towards the end of the hall.

I know Mason is in there taking care of her, teaching her new words every day. A scream again came from the room. What is happening today? What makes her this sad?

I creak open the door but that didn't break their talk about the day. Yes, Mason talks to our one and half-year-old daughter who just learned simple sentences.

"Don't cry, baby. Your Mommy will be worried. Now shush." Mason pats her resting head on his shoulder. Rasha's small chubby arms are around his neck still whimpering.

I didn't open the door more and just stayed there listening to them.

"You don't lum me Daddy." she sniffs her nose and pout. I again laughed at her tone. There she goes again complaining to Mason that he doesn't love her.

Even I don't complain about that every day. 'But you do' my inner self said sarcastically.

" Who said that baby? Of course, I love you. I love you more than anything in this world." Mason replies as gently as he can to baby Rasha.

I gaped at that and put my fisted hand on my waist. You are in big trouble, Mr. Tiffin.

Rasha moves back her head from Mason's shoulder and looks at him as her tears roll down her rosy cheek.

"Mommy scolds daddy when he lies. You lum Mommy more. I know. You don't lum me." I again gaped at that. Oh, now I know what is going on here.

"Who says that. I love you more baby. More than Mommy." He pinches the neck while making promises that he loves her. I am cheated on behind my back.

" But don't tell Mommy, okay."  He pats her back and sits on the chair facing the wall and making it unable for me to see his face anymore. Now I can only look at Rasha. Who has stopped crying at looking at Mason expecting more from him.

" I won't tell Mommy. I paomise." She says in her baby voice.

"Now, can I have a hug?" Mason asks her which she quickly implies and plops her short arms around him.

Her eyes meet mine and they widen from the realization that I caught them. I am amused and amazed by this talk right now.

"You know Rasha I used to tell your Mommy that it is you who is going to come first and then, Cole. I wanted you to come fast cause daddy missed you when you were in Mommy's tummy."
Mason settled on his back on the chair and rock it.

I put on hand on my stomach, again swelled. He was true to his words when he said that he wants a second baby right behind the first. I rolled my eyes at him when he said that and now look who was joking.

I narrowed my eyes at his back of the head and step towards them.

"So this is the type of talk you have behind my back" I announced my presence and instantly notice Mason's back stiffen. Caught ya.

"Mommy, Daddy was just saying how much he loves me more than you" Mason made a fake gasp and look at Rasha.

"You just broke a Promise" Mason gasp again.

"But I crossed my fingers." We both look at our little munchkin who don't even know how to talk properly, knowing things like crossing the fingers.

We laugh at her and I move forward to pick her up but before I carry her, Mason glared at me.

" What do you think you are doing? I have told you a thousand times you shouldn't carry Rasha. You will hurt your back. You are carrying this little buddy who is moving already." He put his hand on my stomach.

" But " he didn't let me continue and place his finger on my lips and make me quiet.

" Shush. No buts. Where do you want me to put her?" I pointed at her sleeping bed. He carries her to it

He lay her down and sit beside her bed, looking up at me waiting for the lullaby.

I shook my head and sit beside him taking Rasha in my lap and gave her the milk bottle. This is our daily routine.

Mason comes from his office and puts his things aside takes a shower and takes Rasha on his lap and they talk. It is more like Mason talking and she looking up at him.

Then he watches her favorite shows with her and then while she is watching it, he braids her hair into the little fountain.

When she finally falls asleep watching the shows, he comes to the kitchen and helps me to cook.

I shook my head to reality and take the empty bottle out of Rasha's mouth and untie her onesie. This is the favorite part of my baby.

She loved to bathe. While bathing her, I kept the door open.

While she was splashing water everywhere making my clothes wet too. Looking at my clothes she started to chuckle at me. I laughed with her and splash more water on her making her laugh even more.

I was so engrossed in our moment, I didn't notice Mason standing there. Recording us with his camera which he carries around all the time.

He has so many videos of just Me and Rasha. He takes a video when I am cooking, working, playing with my baby.

He has Rasha's first step recorded, her first smile, her first crying for her Pacifier which was just was hanging on her neck and she thought it was lost, She said her first word ' dada ' and not ' Mama '. I am jealous sometimes.

" Daddy see I got a bubble on my head. It is so cute." Mason moves his eyes from me to his prized possession. I love the way he looks at both of us with the same love.

"Look at the camera baby." Mason moves closer to Rasha as she makes poses thinking he is taking photos of her

We both laughed at it and I just enjoyed the moment.

For the people who have been asking, Is it a boy or girl?
Mason won.

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