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"Yoongi stop!" Jimin whines, squirming as Yoongi licks his finger and proceeds to wipe away the remains of a white substance around Jimins mouth.

"Did you eat frosting?" Yoongi questions, squinting his eyes at the boy.

Jimin turns a deep shade of red as Hoseok and Jin hold in their laughter.

"Taehyung open the door for the love of god!" Jimin squeals, banging his tiny fists on the door.

Taehyung chuckles opening the door as Jimin throws himself past the man an into Jungkook's arms.

"At least Jin Is happy to see me." Taehyung mumbles, grabbing the olders hips as he places a deep kiss onto his plump lips.

The two are Interrupted by Yoongi's gags,

"Alright that enough, that was 30 seconds on the dot." He speaks, pointing to his watch as Hoseok rolls his eyes, grabbing his hand to drag him in the house.

"Kook it smells amazing, who knew you were such a chef." Hoseok praises the boy, pulling him into a hug.

"Thanks Hobi, I test all my creations on Taehyung and Namjoon." Jungkook smirks, patting the two's stomachs.

"I've eaten at least 5 slices of cake this week and i'll eat 5 more no trouble." Taehyung proudly states, throwing his arm around Jungkook.

"Remove the arm Tae-Tae. Unless you want it to leave with Jungkook." Namjoon warns, snatching Jungkook away from his younger brothers hold.

"Leave with Jungkook?" Jimin questions, raising a brow at the strange threat.

Jungkook's eyes go wide as he slaps Namjoon's arm.

"I- uhhh, Yoongi I didn't say hello to you yet!" Namjoon quickly states, holding a hand out to Yoongi.

Yoongi stares at the boys hand, sighing as he slaps it away to engulf the boy into a hug.

"Don't say a fucking word. If you ever and I mean ever, break Jungkook's heart and run away with your buffoon of a brother, I will personally rip your balls off and feed them to you. Now when we pull away from the hug I want you to smile and laugh." Yoongi whispered in the boys ear, his harsh warm breaths making Namjoon wince.

"I love you too Yoongi." Namjoon smirks as the elders eyes go wide.

"That's not what I fucking said!" Yoongi frantically speaks, turning to everyone.

"My food is getting cold! The tables been set for half an hour, let's go everyone!" Jungkook exclaims, pushing everyone into the dining room to see the beautifully decorated feast he had prepared.

"We should've let Jin come over and help cook, he's an amazing cook." Taehyung explains, beginning to gobble on chicken.

"Yes Taehyung, you told me that about a thousand times while I was cooking." Jungkook laughs, rolling his eyes at his friends.

"I had to make sure everyone knew how amazing he is. Aren't you baby?" Taehyung smirks, rubbing his hand up along Jin's thigh.

Jin chokes on his food as he grabs the boys hand.

"How about we have a toast?" Jin speaks quickly, ignoring Taehyung's pout.

"Great idea, everyone will say something and then we drink!" Jimin excitedly speaks, raising his glasses

"To new relationships and getting great head!" Taehyung proudly states, wiggling his brows at Jimin and Jin.

"To abandoning my sugar daddies." Jimin playfully says, giggling at Taehyungs frown.

"To finally falling in love." Jin honestly speaks, receiving coo's from his partners frisky hands.

"To Yoongi finally confessing his love for me over the phone." Hoseok teases, smirking at Yoongi.

"To having someone to sincerely say I love you too." Yoongi grins, rolling his eyes.

"To apologizing and getting the love of my life in my arms every night." Namjoon smiles, grabbing one of Jungkook's hands.

"To finally pursuing my dreams and moving away for a year yay!" Jungkook finishes quickly swigging his wine as everyone stares at him in shock.

"Moving what and where and for how long?" Almost everyone speaks at once.

"Are you abandoning us? What the hell! You're leaving and you didn't even tell me in advance. Jungkook I have to mentally prepare myself for these things!" Jimin cries, tears streaming down his face as he throws himself onto jins lap.

"I'm not abandoning anyone guys! i'm coming back, it's just like an internship! Plus it's only for a year, and if Namjoon's okay with it then you all should be too!" Jungkook authoritatively states, quieting the room down.

"B-but we'll miss you." Jimin mumbles from Jin's chest.

Jungkook frowns, his bottom lip wobbling as he goes to hug his best friend.

"I know i'm going to miss you too, but it's only for a year. I promise it'll be quick chim chim."

"I'm gonna miss my Jungkookie." Hoseok whines sadly, kissing the boys feathery hair as he wraps him in a hug.

"Let's give Kookie a group hug before he leaves." Jin suggests, cuddling Jimin closer as the boys tears reduce to sniffles.

"After, first let's devour this before it gets cold!" Namjoon grins, going to eat the food.

"Shit, I left my phone in the living room. I wanted to take a picture of this." Jungkook curses.

"Can't we just eat in the living room? All this sitting up straight is making my back hurt!" Taehyung whines.

"I don't see why not." Namjoon shrugs as everyone scrambled to the living room, sitting all over.

Taehyung plops himself onto the couch, unaware that he sat directly on the remote caught between the seats. The TV screen flashes on, brightening the room as everyone looks up.

"Breaking news as our team arrives to the prison where tax fraud convicted convict jeon Junghyun is being set to release. He shockingly looks very fit after serving 3 years in the prison." The news reporter speaks as the room falls silent.

"Jeon Junghyun! What do you have to say upon your release as a model prisoner?" A news reporter shrieks, holding his microphone to the mans mouth.

Junghyun coats a smirk along his face as he grabs a hold on the microphone, his cold dead eyes staring directly into the camera.

Jungkook's grip on Namjoon's hand tightens as his father opens his mouth to speak.

"I'm incredibly grateful to being let out early, in fact i'm most excited to see my son. Daddy's back Jungkookie, I hope you've taken care of my company." Junghyun whispers with a smirk, bowing to the camera as he walks away and into his car.

Jungkook's shaky hands fumble to turn the TV off, his breaths get heavier as everyone stares at the ground, unable to process what happened.

"That was-"

"We know who it was Taehyung." Yoongi harshly cuts the boy off. 

"We have some time to think of a plan! We can-" Jimin is cut off by door bell sounding loudly.

"Kook, daddies home."


The End

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