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"Do you want me to go in with you?" Jin asks as he parks his car in the driveway.

"No, I think it'll be better if I go in alone."

Jungkook gives Jin a quick smile before stepping out of the car.

He looks up at what is supposed to be his aunt's house. It's a stark white color, three stories high, with only a pop of green coming from her extensive garden.

His father has mentioned his sister on a few occasions, but this would be the first time that Jungkook sees her in real life. He knows that she doesn't work under his father's company. She keeps the family name, but has decided to separate herself from the business and make her own hat boutique, which has chains all over the world.. Jungkook knew that his aunt was well off, but he didn't realize until now just how rich she was. Her house is three times bigger than his own, and, he assumes, cost three times more.

Jungkook decides to quit stalling after a few minutes and walk up to the front door. The bell chimes a extravagant tone, almost like a full orchestra had hidden in her home, ordered to play at every ring.

Jungkook nearly stumbles back when his aunt opens the door. She looks exactly like his father, but somehow the exact opposite. Her jet black hair frames her face and she has smile lines around her lips, something that his father definitely wouldn't have because of all the stress he is under. Her eyes instantly flash in recognition when they land upon him.

"Jungkookie?" She gasps out.

He gives her a smile, but before he can actually get any words out she rushes him inside and onto the couch.

"Here, here sit! Do you want anything?" She runs about her house, dusting things off, "Sorry it's so messy, I didn't know you were going to be here!"

He follows her with his eyes and decides to speak up, "No its okay don't worry! You have a lovely house."

She finally comes to sit down beside him on the couch and gives him her full attention.

She studies his face a bit before she speaks again, "I'm so happy you're here, Jungkook. I know we have never met in person, but I've heard a lot about you."

Jungkook nods and replies, "Likewise. I'm afraid Im not here for a family meetup though.."

Moonjin looks at him quizzically, "What are you here for, then?"

This is when Jungkook sits up straighter and curls his hands around the ends of his sleeves, afraid of what's to come.

"U-Um, what do you know about Kim Namjoon and Kim Taehyung?" he asks.

Moonjin visibly stiffens, and her eyes dart about the room now instead of looking at his face, "Oh, uh nothing. Never really had contact with them. Aren't they the boys that got put in jail?"

Jungkook nods, "Yes. Are you sure you've never had anything to do with them?"

Moonjin vigorously shakes her head and nervously chuckles out, "Yeah. Why would I? Why are you asking me about this?"

Jungkook squints his eyes a bit at her. "Because I am trying to get them out of jail for various reasons, and I was looking further in their case and saw that there was no murder weapon found but an eye witness confirmed them being there. Meanwhile, my friend, who's a lawyer by the way, told me he found the name of the eye witness. Needless to say, it was you. So, tell me why are you lying to me, Moonjin?"

Moonjin gapes at Jungkook and then looks down at the floor. "Why would you ask me if you already know the answer?"

"I wanted to see if you would lie to me. You did and now I know something is up so please tell me." Jungkook replies.

"Kim Taehyung was like a son to me." Moonjin mumbles, "I never meant for anything bad to happen to him, but I had to do it to him. Namjoon and I weren't as close, we only met one time before the time they got taken away."

"You had to do it to him? What did you do?" Jungkook asks.

"I set him up." Moonjin sighs and continues,

"Both of them. I feel so bad, Jungkook. I never meant.."

"Wait wait. Okay tell me from the top."

Moonjin shifts in her seat and then explains, "I met Kim Taehyung when he was just a sophomore in high school. He was the cutest thing I ever saw. As you know, I own a hat shop. He was the only boy I had ever had come into my shop. He was flitting about the store nervously and I approached him. He came to my shop everyday after that. We became really close, so close in fact that I even met his older brother. My husband was an abuser. He abused me for decades and decades. I invited Namjoon and Taehyung over one night for dinner after I had heard his stomach growling and he told me he got kicked out for being gay."

She hesitates and Jungkook urges her to continue.

"Unfortunately, I picked the wrong night for them to come over. My husband decided to get very physical with me and I had to take action. I murdered him." Moonjin says, her eyes tearing up, " I had no idea what to do so I called my brother. I was explaining how I needed to do something fast because Namjoon and Taehyung were coming over and he told me I needed to blame them for it. So, I did."

Jungkook shakes his head in disbelief, "How could you even do that to them? Why would you listen to my dad? How did you even manage it?"

Moonjin averts her eyes to the floor, "I put the body in the backyard, waited for them to come over and called the police when they got here. I was out of earshot so they wouldn't know. When the police showed up, I  put on the dramatics and blamed them. God, the look on Taehyung's face was horrible. It was like you could see his heart breaking  t-through his eyes." She choked out.

"Why did you never go back for him?" Jungkook questions.

"I couldn't do it. Your dad wouldn't let me. Our companies are partnered together and he said that if I was exposed as a murderer that it would ruin everything. Everything is about business with that man." Moonjin sighs.

"He's in jail now." Jungkook states.

"I know, I heard about it. What are you saying that for?" Moonjin asks, dumbly.

"I'm saying it because you have nothing to worry about now. You can go and confess what you did and it wouldn't matter because he already ruined it for himself." Jungkook explains.

Moonjin runs her eyes back to his face and seems to ponder it for a moment, "Do you think Taehyung would forgive me?"

"I'm not sure, but why don't we go and find out. I'm sure it would be a step in the right direction to confess what you did wrong and get him and his brother his freedom again." Jungkook assures.

"...O-Okay. Okay let's do it." Moonjin agreed, standing up and walking towards the door.

"Okay, let's do this." Jungkook replies, following her.

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