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Namjoon hears the stomping of footsteps long before he hears the slamming sound of the door opening.

"Yoongi, baby, maybe we should calm down a bit-" Hoseok stutters, only to be cut off by a seething Yoongi.

"Calm down my ass. Jungkook! Where are you??? I swear to god Namjoon if your dick is anywhere near my best frie-" Yoongi stops suddenly upon seeing quite the domestic scene in the dining room.

Jungkook is in the kitchen making a rotisserie chicken while Namjoon is setting up the table with various silverware and plates. Seven spots line the table each with their own plate and fork.

"Why hello, Yoongi baby, nice to see you!" Namjoon teases with the nickname Hoseok had given earlier. "Very pleased that you could be here."

"W-What is this? Taehyung said-" Yoongi spike only to be cut off again.

"Taehyung said that Jungkook and I were having sex. Well last I checked my dick still isn't in Jungkook right now and instead is in these very tight trousers and instead of my hands being full of his ass, they are full of plates, so if you would please sit down and enjoy the amazing meal Jungkook cooked for us it would be greatly appreciated." Namjoon spoke sweetly.

"How did you know?" Yoongi asked.

"Well, I know my brother just as well as Jungkook knows his best friend and his assistant so we pretty much gathered they would tattle on us and figured it would be a good time to have a do over dinner since the last one didn't go so well." Namjoon explained.

Yoongi stood there with narrowed eyes, so Hoseok gently nudged him towards the table and replied with, "Very good idea guys. I'm sure this will be great."

As soon as the two of them take their seats, the three peas in a pod bust through the door.

"Ow watch where you're going bigfoot!" Jimin grits at Taehyung.

"You know what they say, big feet big di-"

Taehyung starts until Jin clears his throat.

The other two turn their attention to Jin's line of sight, where they see all four of the others sitting and waiting patiently at the table,
Yoongi a little less patient than others.

"Well would you look at that. If it isn't Pinocchio and his two boyfriends." Yoongi spits.

Jin splitters at the word boyfriends and Jimin turns as red as a tomato, while Taehyung tries to defend himself.

"Yoongi, I'm sorry I truly thought that's what they were doing! You should've seen the way Namjoon kissed Jungkook at the bar. It was like he was eating him alive what else was I supposed to think!" Taehyung gasps out.

"Very low of you, little bro." Namjoon says, acting disappointed.

"Yes, I must say I feel the same way at the both of you, Jin and Jimin." Jungkook says in the same tone.

"I'm sorry Jungkookie, please don't fire me! I'm too handsome to be fired please! It'll never happen again." Jin pleads.

Jungkook and Namjoon share a look from across the table, and start laughing. Jin, Jimin and Taehyung share confused looks with each other until eventually they start laughing too.

"Relax guys, we aren't mad at you. In fact we are grateful that you gave us this opportunity to gather all together and announce something." Jungkook says.

The three of them take their respective seats around the table and all of them look at both Jungkook and Namjoon.

"After some careful consideration, Ive decided that Namjoon and I are dating." Jungkook speaks confidently, grabbing Namjoon's hand and intertwining their fingers.

"What?" Namjoon splutters.

Jungkook gives him a look and just squeezes his hand, "The way he cares for me is unlike anybody Ive ever seen. He takes the burden off of me everyday with work so I can continue the career I have always wanted." He focuses now on Namjoon and for a second speaks only to him, "You make me feel like I can breathe again and I feel like now my life is just beginning because of you. When you kissed me back at the bar, it's like everything wrong in my life righted itself. You've proven to me that you only have my best interest in mind and I want you to know that it's mutual. So, everyone, this is my boyfriend, Kim Namjoon." Jungkook finishes.

Taehyung, Jin, Jimin, and Hoseok start whooping and clapping while Yoongi maintains a neutral look on his face. They eat dinner, and after everyone has left and Namjoon, Taehyung, and Hoseok are in the kitchen cleaning up, Yoongi grabs Jungkook's wrist and brings him into his own room.

"Before you say anything-" Jungkook starts.

"I'm proud of you." Yoongi states.

"I know you don't like this but Namjoon seriously treats me so much better now and, wait what?" Jungkook says, dazedly.

"I said I'm proud of you. You finally seem at peace with yourself for the first time since i've ever known you, and I know Namjoon is the reason for that. It might not have been under the best circumstances and it might take me a while to get fully comfortable with it, but I support you and Namjoon in whatever you guys want to be. This dinner only proved to me how much you mean to him. Like god you should see the way he looked at you. It made me want to gag most of the time." Yoongi admits.

Jungkook laughs at that and stares at Yoongi fondly. "Thank you."

"You don't need to thank me." Yoongi says.

"No, I do. Thank you for always being here with me through whatever. I couldn't have made it without you." Jungkook admits shyly.

"Of course, don't mention it, kid." Yoongi says, before ruffling Jungkook's hair. "We should head back out there. I gotta go and get Hoseok home. We have some unfinished business to do" Yoongi smirks.

"Gross Hyung!" Jungkook whines, making his way out of the bedroom.

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