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It's not until six months later that it all comes crashing down.

Jungkook is strutting around the kitchen like he owns it, cooking dinner for what will be the last time in about six months for all of his friends. He wanted to invite them over for a very special, but bittersweet announcement.

"Get your hands off me, Joon. I know how to dress myself, even better than you!" Jungkook hears Taehyung's annoyed voice speak  through the house.

"Fuck off, Tae. I'm just trying to help. Kook will get mad at me if we take too long." Namjoon whines.

Jungkook chuckles to himself, stirs the pot and heads towards Taehyung's bedroom.

"Yes, Kook will get mad if you take too long so let's hurry it up! I know you're trying to look good for your boyfriend's but Im sure they've seen you in more compromising times than how you look right now." Jungkook teases and grins at Taehyung's blushing face and Namjoon's laughter.

Jin, Taehyung, and Jimin have been exclusively together ever since their first date at the bar, but only decided to put a label on it about three months ago, each of them being scared of calling what they had anything near a relationship since Korea is very conservative, but after the push from all of their friends they finally put a name to their love.

"Okay, you act like I don't hear you and Joon fucking at the late hours of the night through my walls, so shut up Jungkook! Or should I say Kitten?" Taehyung teases right back as soon as he finds his voice.

"Keep talking like that and you'll find all your stuff outside the house and on the street, TaeTae!" Jungkook responds.

He's found his voice around both of them now, can't even remember the time when he was nervous and shy around them.

After things had fallen into place with Namjoon, he seemed to have gained confidence. Through Namjoon, he had found himself and who he was truly meant to be and he couldn't be more grateful for that.

"Why are you looking at me like that baby?" Namjoon questions in his deep voice, shaking Jungkook out of his thoughts.

"Oh nothing, I'm just thinking about how much I love you and how much I'm gonna miss you while I'm gone." Jungkook says, walking over and into Namjoon's arms when he holds them up.

"Don't worry, it's only for a year. And it's not like I won't visit every chance I get." Namjoon reassures, rubbing his hands up and down his back.

A few quick knocks are heard at the door, to which Taehyung is clapping at,

"Thank god, this was getting to sappy for me. Let's go say hello to our company shall we?" He says rushing past them and fake gagging as he heads for the door.

You're the reason (my life began)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα