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Jungkook walks up to his dad's jet black Tesla, making sure to rolls his sleeves down to cover his arms to make sure he doesn't see them. Once he gets in, his dad doesn't waste a second to ask, "What's that smell?"

Jungkook stares down at his thighs and decides not to answer.

His dad snaps his fingers right by his ear as he continues, "Hello? Earth to Jungkook. Answer my question."

"Had to take a shower at the school today after gym, their water is really gross." Jungkook mutters.

"Oh, I see." His dad nods, driving off, "Okay well don't take a shower there again. I don't need you stinking up my car."

Jungkook doesn't respond and just stares out the window.

"I'm taking you down to the office today. I know you just started your senior year, but you will be partaking in an internship soon enough and I need you to be prepared for everything that will come your way." His father informs.

"Whatever." Jungkook sighs. He knew from a very young age that once he had enough experience and was old enough he would be taking over his dad's company, but he had no passion for it. He found his passion a year ago, when his mother had bought him a nice camera for his birthday and he used her as his first subject. His father had said that photography gave him no future and did not offer a stable income.

His father was one who believed that it was worth it to trade in a job someone had a talent in for a job that gives a good income. He disagreed, but was forced into it since he had no other way to do anything else. At least with this, he figured, he was sure he would have no problem with money.

He was sure his mother would've fought him on that, but she died a while back in a car crash. Now it was just him and his father. Day in and day out, his life was monotonous. Go to school, get bullied by Namjoon, get saved by Yoongi, hide his bruises from his father, and talk about taking over the company. The cycle continues every day and he was tired, but what could he do about it? He knows the answer is nothing, he can do nothing about it so he doesn't.

This is how he finds himself in his dad's office, getting introduced to the different systems and procedures it takes to be the Jeon Corporation. All the information that was getting thrown at him was blending together in his head. It was all a daze and by the time he got home, he realized he didn't remember any of what was taught to him.

He sat down and out his head in his hands, he was exhausted with his life and just hoped that these next few years would fly by so that he could just get through them. His life would be better after high school, right?

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