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It was the next morning, and Hoseok has spent all of his time holed in his office. He can't believe he lost all of the court documents so easily. When he walked into the firm this morning and headed straight to where he thought he left them, he was confused as to where they could've gone.

He cursed at himself, as he struggled to remember where else he could've left them.

Luckily, he read through the countless pages enough times that he found a few grey areas in the investigation that he and Jungkook can take advantage of. That would, of course, have to be some else's responsibility, because he can't risk losing his job, no matter how much he wants to help his friend. Fabricating evidence is something he can't imagine himself doing either.

It goes against all he stood for when he decided to become a lawyer.

Before calling Jungkook and laying out a plan to get Namjoon and his brother out of jail, an idea popped into his head as he turns his desk around to his computer, typing vigorously into the search engine.

Hoseok clicks on the first article that his eyes land on. As he reads through the words however, he feels disappointment bubble up in his chest, seeing the exact same information that he already knew. He hovers his mouse over the back arrow, ready to forget about the idea all together, when the corner of his eye catch's one of the comments under the article.

Jacksonfromtheblock01: how can they arrest those guys without finding the murder weapon? Isn't that supposed to be, idk, a dead give away? And how can they just trust some random "eye witness"?

Bet he was told to say all that.

Hoseok, shuts off his computer quickly. He rolls his chair to his briefcase, fishing out his phone from the front pocket. His fingers work their way to dialing Jungkook, who answers after a few rings.

"Hey hyung!" His voice amplifies in Hoseok's ears, causing him to jump in surprise.

He can't help but chuckle though, finding Kook's excitement adorable, regardless of his probable hearing loss.

"Hey Kookie. Guess what your amazing hyung found?"

"A boyfriend I hope. That way you'll stay out of my love life. " Hoseok can practically hear the eye roll Kook must be giving him.

"Uh, no you ungrateful child. I found a way to get your friends out of jail."

"Oh okay. I'm listening."

"We need to find the eye witness that testified against Namjoon and Taehyung. Someone would have to convince them  to say that they  made a mistake when identifying the suspects. If that person goes to court, they'll have no problem getting released."

"Wow hyung. I don't know how to thank you. You're the only one who seems to be there for me." Jungkook laughs lightly on the phone.

It was a sad laugh. Hoseok's eyes furrow in worry over what he possibly meant from those words. He decided to just ask him.

"What do you mean? You know all of us want the best for you right? Always." Hoseok's voice was tender in a way he hoped was enough to comfort his friend.

"Yeah, I know. Anyway, what's the eye witness's name? I can have Jin do some research for me and find him in no time."

"The witness was a woman. Jeon Moonjin. It didn't say anything about her other than that she was a worker at the building where the murder took place."

Jungkook was silent on the phone for a few fleeting seconds before he speaks, "O-oh okay. Well I'll have Jin right on it. Thanks again hyung!"

Before Hoseok can respond back saying that he owed him one for the ridiculous amount of time he spent reading the court documents, Jungkook ends the call.

Hoseok grumbles to himself about the disrespect he just experienced when he hears his door open, revealing his strangely bright hyung.

"Who was that?" Yoongi asks, walking over to his desk to sit in the empty chair across from him.

"O-Oh. You mean on the phone?" He asks in what he hopes is an innocent tone.

"Just my mom. She wants to come visit me."

Yoongi raises his eyebrows at that, pushing the subject, "Why did I hear you guys talking about a murder?" He pouts, as if he was in deep thought.

It was so disgustingly cute that he almost forgot to think up a lie to answer his question.

"Oh! You know that western show on Netflix, How to Get Away With Murder? She's obsessed with it these days." Hoseok rolls his eyes in playful annoyance before gauging to see if his hyung bought into what he was saying or not.

Yoongi only nods his head slowly, smirking slightly to himself.

"I see."

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