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It was about six years after he graduated from college. He had gotten his bachelors degree in business management and now here he was, the head of his dad's company. He had never thought it would've been this soon, but when your dad is a criminal what can you do about it?

His dad had gotten arrested earlier that year when he had been found guilty of fraud and embezzlement after he had been caught keeping some of the money that his customers were paying to him and his company.

Jungkook laughed at the thought. His dad spent so much time grilling him to make sure he was perfect he forgot to keep himself in check. It was a wonder that the company still survived. Jungkook supposed that people were okay with keeping their investments as long as the ownership shifted from his dad to himself.

It was a mistake on their part though, as Jungkook had no idea what he was doing. Despite the many years of training, he still had a hard time keeping up with records and knowing which smaller companies were worth investing in and what things he should trade and what he shouldn't.

The company was only doing so well thanks to his dad's (now his own) assistant, Jin. He was a godsend to Jungkook because he knew all the right things to do and didn't hesitate in helping Jungkook with it.

As if he knew Jungkook was thinking about him, Jin opened the door to his office. "Hello, Sir. Its time to go to visit your dad."

Jungkook checked his watch, and sure enough it said 12:00 pm. Time must've slipped away from him while he was thinking. "Ah, yes thank you. Also, I told you that you can still call me Jungkook. Its not as if things have changed between us."

"Yes okay. Sorry you're right, it's just different seeing you sit in the same chair as him." Jin said, his tone lightening up a bit to the friendly one he used to use before Jungkook had taken over.

"I understand. Its okay we will get used to it. Now shall we?" Jungkook said, letting Jin take the lead to his car.

They both got in and Jin started it up, driving off to the jail.

The building was orange in color, a bold choice in Jungkook's opinion. It was a very well-kept prison, seeing as they were in the rich side of Gangnam and only the elite were kept in here, if you could even call his father that. The parking lot was pretty spacious and Jungkook looked around the space like it was his first time there, even if it was his fifth.

Jungkook got out and allowed Jin to pull away and park. He walked into the building, which smelled of cheap flowers, like someone sprayed Febreze to try and cover up the smell of sweat that was still very much there. The iridescent lights hurt Jungkook's eyes as he walked up to the check-in desk.

"Hello, Mr.Jeon. Here to see your father?" The lady said with too much enthusiasm. She had cheap red lipstick smeared across her lips and her cheeks looked like they hurt from how hard she was smiling.

"Yes." Jungkook stated.

"Alright." The lady said, who's name was Eunji, typing it into the computer, "Go and wait in the room at a table and we will notify your father."

Jungkook walked from the desk into the door that lead into the visiting room. There were about 12 tables lined up in the room with four chairs occupying each. On one side of the room, the wall was made completely of glass, allowing the inmates to see in the room. It was kind of stupid in Jungkook's opinion, but what could he do?

He saw his father being lead out into the door by a guard and he entered the room and sat across from Jungkook.

"Hello, son." His father said.

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