Many, many people had the same reaction when he had done a photo shoot for a company a few years back.

Back then, the reaction he had received had left him not feeling smug, but uncomfortable and disgusted.

The photographer and the assistant both had been drooling over him.

No, it wasn't because he didn't like people appreciating his body, or else he would have never agreed to go shirtless for the photo shoot.

Rather the photographer and her assistant had been a mother daughter duo.

While the mother was well above 50, her daughter was in her late twenties.

But, what had freaked him out was that, both of them asked him out.

First the mother asked him and then when he politely declined, stating he was definitely not into older woman.

But then the daughter joined into the conversation, saying that she wasn't much older to him, so they could go on a date instead, while her mother was standing there.

The entire ordeal was quite scarring for him you could say, but his beloved frineds still found it quite amusing to this day.

Jimin loved poking fun of his healthy fear of the female gender and how he used to run away from girls when he was in his teens.

Yes, he was a hot, awkward teen who happened to be a closeted gay till he hit 18.

Jungkook was brought out of his disturbing thoughts of females hitting on him, when Taehyung asked him confused.


Smirking slightly at him, Jungkook said, pretending to yawn and rub his eyes.

"Nothing Tae, I'm just tired, I want to sleep."

Taehyung looked up at him and nodded, stretching his body, back arching up like a cat before he said.

"Uh huh. Okay."

Taehyung said, getting up to walk out of the room.

But then Jungkook side stepped, standing in front of him suddenly, causing Taehyung to bump his nose into his chest.

"Ouch what was that for?"

Taehyung whined, stepping back to rub his injured nose.

"Cause you were going out."

Jungkook said with a pout, making his tome slightly whiny.

Everyone always gave in to his whiny voice and bunny eyes.

Taehyung looked up confused.

Was this guy bipolar?

He just said he wanted to sleep, now he was stopping him from going out.

"But I thought you wanted to sleep?"

Taehyung asked confused.

"Yeah, but I want to cuddle with youuu."

Jungkook whined again, wrapping his arms around Taehyung's waist.


Taehyung said, now realizing what Jungkook wanted.

And if he was being honest to himself, he would love to do that too.

Being wrapped in those arms, made Taehyung feel safe and protected., it made him feel warm inside, as if it was where he was meant to be.

He knew he was being cliche, but who isn't?

Who doesn't want their own happily ever afters?

And Taehyung was finally having hopes of finding his happily ever after.

Yeah, this week was going to be an experiment to see if the arrangement actually worked out, if Jungkook actually wanted to be Taehyung's permanent caregiver and all the other minor details that still had to be worked out.

But Taehyung was ready to give it a chance.

A genuine honest chance.

So Taehyung looked up at Jungkook and said,

"What's stopping you from doing so?"

Jungkook looked down into his eyes, surprise evident.

"Y-You actually want to cuddle with me?"

Jungkook stuttered, not believing the unimaginable change of events over the last twenty four hours.

Till yesterday, Taehyung had refused to even look at Jungkook in the eye, but now here he was telling him that he also wanted to cuddle with him.

Taehyung giggled at the older's reaction before nodding softly and saying,

"Of course silly, I want to cuddle with you."

Smiling his famous boxy grin, he tilted his head upwards to look at the startled expression on does Bambi like eyes.

Jungkook looked down softly at the younger, his eyes darting between the younger's doe like eyes and those soft pink lips, asking for permission.

Taehyung jerked his head slightly, nodding, before leaning up to close the distance between them, pressing his lips onto Jungkook's for a chaste kiss, before pulling back after a few seconds.

Jungkook looked at the Taehyung as they softly pulled back, just staring at each other, lost in each other's eyes, the world around them disappearing, and time ceased to exist.

It was only the two of them, Jeon Jungkook and Jeon Taehyung, nothing else that mattered.

That was until a phone rang, ending the moment.

Sighing Taehyung pulled away from Jungkook's hold to pick his phone up.

It was Jin hyung again.

Taehyung's eyes widened as he remembered what he had said in the previous call.

He was supposed to tell Jungkook but then he had been um distracted?

Picking the call up, he put it to his ear,


A tired, frustrated voice replied.

"I'm sorry Taehyung, I tried stopping her, but she didn't listen. She's on her way now."


hope everyone liked it :))

guess who 'she' is

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