I dont know what to name these chapters so YOLO

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~Austin’s POV~

Maggie and Alan had been back in  the bunk area for a while and I was way to scared to go back their to what I might find them “doing” if you know what I mean by that. 

Just thinking of that got me imagining them together. Then Alan and I together. 

‘Shit, shit, shit.’ I thought as I looked at my pants. 

Daammn that was fast. Not even 10 seconds and Alan has me like this and I was just thinking about it. 

“Uhmm I think im going to go to my bunk” I told Phil, Tino, and Aaron as I got up and ran into the bunk area. But I don’t have very good luck. At all. So of course the second I got to the bunk area Alan is climbing out of his bunk with messy hair and a smirk on his face. 

“Hey Austinnn” He said with a smile dragging out the “n” 

“Hey Alan, Might want to fix your hair there buddy.” I choked out before running to my bunk and laying their. Not wanting to move. Not wanting to see Alan because now I know. I know Maggie and him are happy together, he could never want someone like me. I mean he was just scared in his bunk last night.

I’m still going to feel the same way about him. No matter what. But he won’t feel that way for me. 

God I just want someone who cares about me, someone who will never cheat on me or leave me. 

~Alan’s POV~

After Maggie pushed me out of the bunk I ran directly into Austin. And what’s the first thing I notice? He has a fucking boner. Wow Alan. Fucking creep huh.  

After talking to Austin for a few seconds he ran off and I could have sworn I saw a hint of jealousy in his eyes. 

Hmm, maybe Maggie isn’t insane after all… 

I decided I should probably leave Austin in his bunk for a while and maybe make some food. I haven’t really eaten all day and boy was I starving. 

Right when I walked out to the lounge area I heard Maggie talking to Phil and Tino. I heard her say Austin’s name and mine and this… This scared me! I mean, Who knows what she could be saying but then I heard the one thing I didn’t want to here…

Her telling them that I like Austin. Wow. Fucking wow. What the fuck Maggie? I thought this could be our little secret until we even knew if Austin liked me back or not. 

Well at least they seemed accepting… but why did she tell them? Whaat if they told Austin? 

~Tino’s POV~ 

So Maggie came out of the bunk area, looked around then sat down next to Phil and I and just started talking about how apparently Alan was in love with Austin and how she knew it and how she was going to get them together because she just knew Austin loved Alan too. And all this shit. But truthfully, I already knew this. I have known of it sense it started happening. It really wasn’t hard to tell. And Austin may have been telling me about how he was starting to get feelings for Alan while we were on our way here. I mean he just accidentally let it sorta slip but I caught it. And I know Austin well enough and see how he always smiles around Alan. He is definitely in love. 

 ~Alan’s POV~

“MAGGIE I NEED TO TALK TO YOU NOW!” I screamed to Maggie. 

“Yeah hot stuff?” She said walking over to me and winking. 

“What the fuck was that about? I heard what you were saying to Phil and Tino, Why though? Why did you tell them that? I thought it was between me and you!” I Whisper shouted at her. 

“Well I needed them to help me with my plan! You and Austin will be together by the time I leave! I swear it will happen. Just trust me.” She said back to me in a low tone. But how could I believe her? How could I ever have anyone as amazing as Austin? 

“AUSTIN, ALAN COME ON WE ARE ON STAGE IN 20 MINUTES WE GOTTA GET OUT THERE!” I heard our tour manager yell in the bus. Shit I bet everyone else is out there and Maggie is gonna make me walk to the venue with Austin. 

“Hey Austin, Wanna walk to the venue with Alan, I’m not feeling to well at the moment.” Maggie said to Austin.

“Yeah of course. Come on Ginger Princess!” Austin said to me happily. Well shit. Doesn’t he look cute before this show… 

~Austin’s POV~

So I may or maybe not have come up with a plan to find out if Alan likes me. I mean with all the fan fictions wrote about us and all the photos I just saw of me and him together. I mean he had the same look in his eyes as I did in mine. What that could be, I was definitely hoping love. Maybe if I could just… Talk to him. Maybe pull some of that “Austlan” Stuff the fans say. 

“Hey Austin, Wanna walk to the venue with Alan, I’m not feeling to well at the moment.” I heard Maggie say to me as I was walking out from the bunks.

“Yeah of course. Come on Ginger Princess!” Awh shit… To much? Oh well. I needed to know if there could possibly be something between Alan and I.

Once out of the bus I threw my arm around Alan and started talking about anything due to my mind racing so fast trying to decipher exactly what I was going to do. 

“Sooo Alan, How are you and Maggie doing?” I asked hoping he would say something against her. But of course no.

“I don’t know, I think we’re doing okay. We were fighting about me always being on tour before we left. But what can you do?” 

“Hey Alan so when is Maggie leaving? Or is she coming to the next tour dates with us after this break we’re on?”

“Nah she can’t come with. She has work and everything. And I don’t think I could handle her on the bus with us. I mean come on. How would she take it if I came and laid next to her with sweaty hair and no shirt. She probably wouldn’t be to happy…” Alan said laughing then looking up at me with his beautiful eyes. 

“Awe come on, who wouldn’t want that body.” I said looking down at him and winking. But as I looked away he took up a sudden interest in his shoes and I could have sworn that in this Setting sun light, I had seen my ginger prince blush at something I had said.  

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