Just let love consume us.

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~Alan’s POV~ 

Being around all those babies was just getting awkward. Austin and I could never have kids together so being here just seemed weird. And hospitals suck. I always look forward to leaving. Even if I’m not the patient. So when Austin made up the excuse that we had band practice I jumped at the thought of leaving. 

~In Car~

“So Austin, Are you happy we didn’t have to take the babies?”

“Well, I’m relieved. But happy? I don’t know. I wasn’t almost looking forward for a little bugger running around the house with us. Might have been fun being a dad. I don’t know babe.” Austin was staring at his shoes. And he seemed pretty down. 

“Well maybe one day we can have a kid. But how about a cat for now. Cats are fun. And we can take them on tour they are the best things ever. Please can we get a cat? Cats are awesome. I love cats. DO you love cats Austin?”

I babbled on and on about how I wanted a cat. I mean come on cats are awesome!

“Depends Alan… Do you think you could take care of a cat? You know they can be a lot of work. And you will have to make sure to feed it and change the kitty litter…” Austin trailed off. 

“AUSTIN. I can do it! I am amazing at taking care of things.”

“No you aren’t you cant even make popcorn without me helping you.”

“Sooo. You could help me with the kitty too! They are so much fun and it could be our baby.” 

“I don’t know.” 

“Okay” I put on my best pout I could muster. And walked away from Austin to sit on the couch. 

“Baby come on! Don’t be mad. Cats are just hard work!”

“No they aren’t.” Pout. 

Austin came and sat next to me now. Looking into my eyes he slowly pushed me back onto the couch so I was laying down. He slowly got on top of me. 

“You know I cant resist you when you pout.” SHit. 

“Oh well im next having sex with you until you agree on getting me a cat.” 

“Oh but my princess, we both know you cant do that. You want me to much.” Shitshitshitshit he’s right. But I want that cat. 

“Nope. I can do it if I want that ca-” Austin’s lips were already on mine. Slowly prying my lips open. I couldn’t hold off any longer and I wrapped my arms around Austin’s neck and leaned up, kissing him back. I mean have you seen Austin Carlile you cant deny him of things like this. He’s too perfect to do that to him. Also I cant help but get turned on when he’s like this, on top of me. I’ll just have to wait with the cat I guess. 

~Austin’s POV~ 

So I’ve been thinking about how much I love Alan. I really just want to spend the rest of my life with him. That’s why this morning when I woke up I quickly got dressed and left the house leaving the house to go and get a ring for him. I was going to ask Alan Anthony Ashby to marry me. It might be a little soon but I love him and he loves me and I cant see myself with anyone besides him. 

“Hello sir, How can I help you today?” The clerk at the jewelry store questioned when I walked in the door. 

“Hi, yes. I’m looking for a uhh, engagement ring. For my Boyfriend.” 

The old man seem to be caught off guard by this statement but quickly regained his composure and led me over to a case in the left right corner of the shop. The man motioned his hand over the case telling me this is where I could find them and I began to scan through the selection they had. 

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