Maggie's here. What next?

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~Alan POV~

God I asked Austin to stay in my bed with me? Wow good job Alan now he probably knows you are completely head over heels for him. 

I was interrupted by my thoughts when Austin crawled into my bunk in only a pair of pajama pants. Okay.. I have to admit that is hot. Way too hot. Jesus Austin how am I supposed to not want to hug you and kiss your chest when you look like that. 

Shit Ashby stop imagining that. Don’t want a hard member to join in on this group. 

I looked over at Austin and then realized Abby wasn’t here and he was with me. Oh was she going to be completely pissed. 

“A- Austin… Where is Abby?”  I finally choked out.

“Oh uh… I caught her kissing my old friend Tyler Henning. So I stormed out of the bar we were at then finally came home. So she is probably having sex with him by now.” He said looking more angry then sad. 

“Oh my god! Austin I cant believe you saw her do that! That fucking whore. Lets fucking teepee her house. Throw eggs at her car! We have to do something!” I practically yelled. I knew she cheated but him seeing it happen just like his ex wife. Oh HELL no. Not alright. Imma get back at that bitch.  

~Austin’s POV~

“A- Austin… Where is Abby?” Alan asked me when I laid in his bunk next to him. Fuck why didn’t I see this coming. Of course I was going to have to talk about it to someone and who better then the one and only Alan Ashby? 

“Oh uh… I caught her kissing my old friend Tyler Henning. So I stormed out of the bar we were at then finally came home. So she is probably having sex with him by now.” I finally said. 

“Oh my god! Austin I cant believe you saw her do that! That fucking whore. Lets fucking teepee her house. Throw eggs at her car! We have to do something!”  Ha Alan always knew how to cheer me up. 

“Nah man, that’s not necessary. I just don’t want to see her again.” I final said looking up and getting lost in the Ginger Prince’s eyes.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ TIME LAPSE~~~~~~~~~~

~Alan POV~ 

I woke up the next morning to a banging on the bus door and a screaming Abby outside trying to get Austin to come outside. 

When I finally was completely awake I realized Austin had his arms wrapped around me and I was on the inside of the bunk. 

Hmm, Well this will be awkward to get up but I have to shut that bitch up somehow. 

As I was climbing over Austin my foot got caught and I fell straight out of the bunk and onto my face. Jesus fuck did that hurt. Well at least it didn’t wake Austin up, surprisingly…

“Abby what the fuck are you doing here?” I screamed at Abby  when  I opened the bus door. 

“What am I doing here are you kidding me? I’m Austin’s fucking girlfriend that’s what I’m doing here but I stayed at a friends last night and when ever I try calling him his phone goes straight to voice mail alright? Now get the fuck out of my way.” Abby retorted back to me.

“Haha bitch, Get the fuck out. Did you see Tino at the bars last night? And oh I don’t know, maybe Tyler Henning? Fucking seriously, Austin was at that bar you fucking whore. He saw you kissing Tyler last night. And clearly he doesn’t want to talk to you. So just fucking leave.” I screamed into Abby’s face, oh did that feel good. 

Abby just stared at me in astonishment. Like she didn’t think this would ever happen to her. Wow. Dumbass. 

All of a sudden I heard a groan come from the back of the bunks and then Austin appeared. 

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