Thank you for the Venom

922 39 11

~Austin’s POV~ 

“Hey babe, are you almost ready? We have to get going if we want to make it to the reservations on time.” Alan called from the bathroom where he had been fixing his hair. 

“I know, I’ve been waiting for you. You ready to go?” I asked laughing and standing to meet Alan by the door. 

“Yeah yeah yeah. Lets go! I’m starving.” 

~At restaurant~

“Hello, We have a reservation for Carlile. Austin Carlile.” I said smiling at the young women at the front podium. 

“Oh yes. Right this way. You may follow her to your table.” The women replied directing us towards another women dressed in the same outfit at her. 

“This will be your table tonight. I will go tell your waitress you have arrived and she’ll be right out to get your drinks.” The second women told us, walking back the way we had come. 

I looked up at Alan and smiled before looking down at the menu to find something to eat. They had a lot of pasta’s and chicken. I decided on the chicken fettuccine alfredo and quickly put my menu down looking over at Alan. He was concentrated on the menu as he bit his lip, seemingly deep in thought. 

“What do you want to eat Alan?” I questioned once he put his menu down. 

“Oh uh, I just want fettuccine alfredo. You?” 

“Same actually. That should be a simple order. We should go get ice cream after this. Make our night a little more interest.” I joked. 

“Yes! Can we? I love ice crea-” Alan said before getting cut off from a voice from behind me. 

“What do you want to drink ginger?” I heard the voice from behind me ask as she moved to the front of the table. I completely froze where I was. I new that voice. Of course I new that voice. I could never forget it. 

“Uh, I wa-ant a uh- a uhm- a iced tea pl-ease” Alan said awkwardly never taking his eyes off of the women standing right beside me.

She placed her hand on my shoulder softly before running it down my left arm and to my hand, moving her finger over my wedding ring. She chuckled slightly as she brought her hand off of mine to write down what Alan wanted and then turned to face me. 

“Haven’t seen you in a while huh Carile? Already married again I see? Now how is that hardly fair?” She said. Her. Why was she even here? When did she move here? She lived in California. She worked in California. Not in Colorado. She wasn’t a waitress at a restaurant in Colorado. 

“Gielle. No. Why are you even here?” I asked, finally looking up at her. 

She seemed so much older then I remembered. She wasn’t the same as the Gielle I knew. Her bleach blonde hair was straight as always but the roots were beginning to grow out. She was wearing sloppy make up but she was as tan as ever. Tanning bed most likely. God she was going to get skin cancer. Her teeth held a yellow tint from coffee or smoking and her fake nails were almost orange. She looked looked so skinny and it was all just sp revolting. 

“So were is your wifey then Austin? Why are you out here with this ginger?” Gielle asked looking accusingly at my face, like I did something wrong or to upset her.

“My wifey? Who said I married a girl Gielle? Who said anything about going out to dinner with my husband on our honeymoon? Is there something wrong with that?” I asked, watching Gielle’s face go from confusion to realization then to pure anger in the matter of 2 seconds flat. 

“What do you mean Husband? You’re fucking gay? Sense when did this happen? I feel disgusting even talking to you! You are sinful! You’re going to hell Austin. As for you Alan. You did this to him! You are both faggots. I don’t even want to serve your table anymore! In fact I’m getting the manager to kick you out! Right now. Bye homos. You disgust me!” She yelled at us as she stormed off and into the back kitchen again. 

“Austin.” Alan said, barely above a whisper. 

“Yes, Alan?” 

“Why does she have to be such a bitch?” He asked, glancing up and making eye contact before looking down again. 

“Because she’s a bitter old witch that can’t get over the fact that she can’t keep her legs closed. Don’t worry about anything she says alright?” I asked grabbing the hand Alan still had on the table and kissing the back of it.

Hey everyone. Here is an update. I know it's pretty short and everything but it's all i could do between the tears about My Chemical Romance right now. I'll probably update again between this weekend and Tuesday. I love you all! 

And if you are also a little killjoy then just remember to stay beautiful, keep it ugly. Also taLK TO ME OH MY FUCKING GOD I NEED A FRIEND RIGHT NOOW. 

Allie out. Bye peasants. 

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