The Depths

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~Austin's POV~

I walked to the door and slowly opened it, only peeking my head out as to not reveal my bare chest and the sleeping Alan in the bed. As I looked out the woman from the front desk was standing in front of the door, hair slightly disheveled and awkwardly panting and trying to hold a strange basket in her hands.

"This- *Breath* -was left- *Breath* -at the front desk." She got out in between her breathing.

"Thank you but may I ask why you are so out of breath?" I countered looking her up and down.

"You." Was her only response before handing me the basket and turning and walking away.

He answer made no sense so I scratched the back of my head as I walked back into the room holding the basket now. I placed it on the table and started ripping the glossy paper off the top. The first thing I noticed once I had it opened was a small orange stuffed cat inside. I went to grab it out but as I touched the head it fell out. The neck had been basically ripped off and it was terrifying so I went on, leaving the cat in the basket. The next thing I grabbed was a small envelope sealed with a small heart sticker. I quickly ripped it open hoping to find who had sent this huge basket with so few things inside, and why.

"Hello boys,

I'm guessing you weren't expecting to find a kitten with it's head off now were you? But that's exactly what we want to do to Alan you know! That little piece of shit doesn't deserve to be with Austin. We do. Not you Alan. We hate you. We hate you so much. How could you just take a man and rub your gay on him. You're sick. We hope you die. Like the cat. Bye." I read.

At the bottom of the small paragraph it was signed. Only two letters were presented and they both made my blood boil. G+A was at the bottom of the note. They sent us this small basket with just the note and cat with it's head ribbed off. How am I supposed to handle the two of them. I know Alan can't after the incident at the restaurant. He doesn't deserve to be put down by these stupid bitches. I can't even fathom how they truly believe that Alan could rub his gay off on me. Seriously. How can they even want me anymore if they are both the ones that cheated on me. I did nothing wrong in either of those relationships.

"Austin, come to bed, what are you doing?" Alan's voice rang through the room.

"I'll be right there ginger princess. Just have to go to the bathroom is all." I lied, grabbing the basket when I saw him duck his head back down to the pillow.

I brought the basket into the closet type area by the door with the coat hangers and shit. Quickly ducking into the bathroom to convince Alan that that is what I was doing. Once I laid back on the bed Alan moved his back into me and placed his head on my shoulder, yawning in the most adorable sleepy way.

"I know you weren't going to the bathroom Austin." He said, his eyes still shut.

"Yeah. I know. Someone was at the door before. Left us a basket. Nothing good in there though." I told him, telling the truth but also feeling like I was lying to him.

I grabbed the remote and turned on a cartoon while Alan and I cuddled on the bed. We didn't talk at all because we didn't need to. We were content with the silence that swept over us. Alan's face held a small smile as his eyes studied the picture on the screen. He had obviously seen this Johnny Bravo before and he giggled every once in a while lighting up his face. I looked over at the time and nudged Alan a little, noting that it was already 5:30 and we couldn't just sit here and watch boomerang all day.

"Well what do you suggest we-" Alan began before there was a ringing and vibrating of his phone on the other side of the table.

"I suggest you pick up your phone while I decide what we do, alright?" I asked, looking up at Alan with a sheepish grin.

As he answered the phone I walked over to the bathroom and turned on the shower, getting it warm so we could shower and go out and eat or go somewhere fun or something. Just was I was about to remove my sweatpants Alan screamed. I listened closely hearing him crying.

"What. What do you mean? You are lying! You're kidding. No no no! I need to talk to her! No! Right now. Is she okay? Are you okay?" Alan was yelling in hysterics.

I quickly turned off the shower and ran out into the room, finding Alan spread out on the bed. His head resting on his crossed arms, still only wearing boxers. He had tears streaming down his face with no signs of stopping and was slowly shaking his head, whispering 'no' over and over. I slowly approached but he made no notice of me and continued on with his emotional state he was in.

"Alan, Are you alright? What happened?" I begged him to tell me, rubbing his back reassuringly.

"It's- it was- it was- Mike. He said. Maggie is in the- hospital." Is all he stuttered.

"Do you know what for? What happened?" I pushed, trying to get as much information as possible.

"The- the- baby. Austin. She might be losing the baby. We- we have to go back! I have to be there with her right now! I can't just. Austin. Please. We can. We can come back here if you want. Or we. We can do something later on. I'll make this up to you. But. Just. We need to go. I need to be with Maggie. Right now. Austin. Please." Alan bawled.

Am i a horrible person for this? Probably.

Sorry i was gone for so long. What was it like three weeks with no update? I'm so sorry. I love you all. And feedback would be great.


OH AND BY THE FUCKING WAY. I love all of you so so so much. And I may update this weekend but dont expect that for sure because Saturday I'm seeing Pierce the Veil and I might write on the way up there.

Oh and you can kik me if you want. I like talking to people about Cashby, Jalex, Frerard, Fuenciado, and Perrentes. SOooo. Feel free to do that. Please. I'm so lonely.

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