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~Austin’s POV~ 

“Alan, calm down. Get everything packed I’ll change our flight to the next available, alright?” I calmed him. 

“Austin. Okay. The laptop is on the table by the TV.” 

I quickly began searching on the apple computer looking at all the flights out of the airport not far from us right now. There were only a few flights open and the closest one wasn’t until tomorrow at 11 o’clock. I didn’t even want to have to tell Alan this. I know he will be devastated that he can’t be with Maggie right now and him frantically moving around the room right now is not helping anything. 

“Alan-” I barely was able to choke out. 

“Yes baby?” 

“So the flight. It can’t be until tomorrow. The closest one is tomorrow at 11.” 

“Oh. Well what do you want to do until then? I need to get my mind off of this. Maggie needs to be okay. I don’t know what I’ll do if that baby isn’t okay.” 

“Alan, I know but you can’t do anything about it right now. It’s 6 o’clock right now. Lets get dressed get some dinner then we can go to bed when we get back. Alright?”


It hadn’t seemed like to long but Alan was jumping out of his skin. Vic and Jaime were on their way to pick us up and go to the hospital. Mike refused to leave and no one else was available besides them. We waited until we saw Vic’s old beat up car pull up to the airport and Jaime pop out of the passengers seat quickly helping Alan and I with our bags and putting them in trunk. 

“How has Maggie and the Baby been doing?” Alan questions

“Well they are still trying to get the premature labor to stop. The baby would be too small to be delivered yet so if they don’t stop it then yeah the baby will die. The doctors say it’s weird. She is going into labor when the baby should only be about 2 months old but it’s not just a miscarriage. Maggie and Mike are both wrecks and I seriously haven’t seen Mike cry this much sense Dobby died in Harry Potter. And you know he loves Harry Potter” Vic emphasized every word using his hands and almost close to tears himself. 

I can see why he would be close to tears though. Vic and Mike have always been close. And Mike being so close to being a father until now where they are hanging on a thin thread. Yes, the doctors at the hospital are good  but there is still such a great chance that this baby is gone. And that is terrible. I never thought I would know someone who lost a baby before but I guess sometimes bad things do happen to you and people you love. 

We were almost to the hospital. Alan was crying softly. He knew just as much as the rest of us that if Maggie’s baby didn’t make it then both Maggie and Mike would spiral down. They both care more about their upcoming munchkin then anything else. 

We had been in the waiting room for at least two hours by now. No news on how Maggie was doing. Nothing. Until now. Mike slowly waddled out, white in the face and tears at the brink of falling. He looked up and didn’t even have to say anything. We all knew. The baby was gone. It had died. And we could do nothing about it. Mike walked over to Vic and collapsed into his arms. Jaime swiftly let his arms around Vic go limp and patted Mike on the back instead. Alan turned to me instantly crying and crawled into my lap, burying his face into my chest. 

“The baby had to be taken out. Maggie’s heart race was increasing too much and her blood pressure was off the charts. They said if they didn’t sacrifice the baby then we would lose Maggie.” Mike sobbed

“Mike it’ll be okay. At least Maggie will be alright. You will always have Maggie. Mike. Don’t forget that.” Jaime soothed. 

“She says she doesn’t want to see anyone but Alan and I right now so can you guys wait here for a while?” Mike suggested. 

Looks like this could be a long night. 

~Alan’s POV~ 

Maggie only wanted to see Mike and I. Mike and I. I couldn’t do this. How could I face my best friend and try to comfort her when she just lost a baby? How do you begin to do that? I can’t even have a baby. I can’t know how that would feel. How it would feel to have something so close to you then have it ripped away. I image it’d be like having Austin ripped away from me. But this is something you’ve made. Something that is part of you, quite literally in fact. 

“Hey Alan.” Maggie croaked

“Hey love, how are you doing?” 

“Horrible.” Is all Maggie could get out before breaking down in tears. 

I sat with Maggie for what felt like hours. She cried into my shoulder as Mike rubbed her back and we whispered soothing words to her. Mike was fighting off tears and I was letting mine fall. 

“Maggie” No reply

I looked down at my best friend to find her asleep. She must be drained from all of this. I looked at Mike, motioning down towards the sleeping Maggie and slip from her grasp. 

“I need to go get Austin. We should be getting home but we‘ll come back tomorrow. Do you think Vic and Jaime would take us back?”

“Yeah they will. We’ll talk to you tomorrow Alan. Maybe then Maggie will be up for seeing everyone else.” 

I walk out of the room waving bye as I go and swiftly make my way to the waiting room. Austin was on his phone, now moved to the chair next to Jaime, Vic was now in Jaime’s lap sleeping. If it was in any other circumstance  it would have been endearing but not now. I was whipped and all I wanted was to get home and sleep. Austin and I could pick our kitten up tomorrow. Austin and I in our bed cuddling sounds so much better. It was already almost midnight anyways. 

“Hey Jaime, do you think you could take Austin and I home now? Maggie fell asleep and Mike looked like he was about to do the same.” I whispered causing Austin and Jaime to look up, surprised to see me. 

“Yeah okay. I want to get Vic home anyways.” Jaime said, shaking Vic’s shoulder to wake him up

“No mom, I don’t want milk in my pants” Vic mumbled turning over from Jaime without waking up. 

“Alright so uh, what?” Austin said giggling.

“Victor Vincent Fuentes wake your skinny ass up now!” I screamed earning annoyed glances from the few other people sitting in the waiting room. 


“So how were they holding up?” we had just gotten into bed. 

“Not so good. Maggie cried herself to sleep and Mike was near tears the entire time. I think he might have started crying at one point. The doctors want to keep her there for a few days to make sure her blood pressure and everything evens out well. And she basically had a C-section so she will be there possibly the same amount of time they keep moms who actually have a baby to bring home with them.” I explained. 



“Lets have a baby.”

I cried when I finished writing this. It is over,

 I've reconsidered and I am not going to make the sequel to this story. I'm sorry to anyone who might have wanted it but i just can not keep this going. I will maybe begin a new story soon, maybe not Austlan, maybe fuenciado, frerard or jalex. Tell me what you think i should do. 

And yes i know i had started the sequel but i went away to Colorado for a month and while there i decided i did not want to. SO I'm sorry. 

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