Bulletproof heart

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~Alan’s POV~

Gielle game back minutes later with her manager. She looked just as pissed as before and her manager just looked flat out confused. Gielle stormed to our table standing in front of us and shoving a finger pointedly at us. 

“I cannot serve such ignorant and sinful men as these two fags right here. I demand that they be taken out of this restaurant now.” She seethed. 

“Gielle, calm down and explain to me what they have done?” The manager pressed, trying to pry from Gielle what was wrong. 

“They are gay! And that’s my ex husband! I can’t look at him and know what he is now! It’s filthy and they should not be allowed in this place! 

“I think you’re right. Someone shouldn’t be allowed in this working environment. But it definitely isn’t them! You need to get out of here at this moment Gielle. You are fired. I will not have you disrespecting any customers and especially not because of their sexuality! It is not fair to them and they are allowed to love anyone they want. I want you off this premises. Now.” the manager said pointing his finger towards the door while Gielle’s mouth just fell open. 

“Fine! I don’t even want to work here! Oh and Austin, don’t think I wont be back. I will destroy Alan and you. Don’t even question it. You know you still love me. You said Forever and always and I will take you to the grave with that.” She said as she walked away and towards the door.

I stared blankly at the table after that. I never really thought about Austin and her together before but now I remember them. When I had first met Austin. How much he loved her. But he loves me too doesn’t he? He can’t still love her like she says. Can he? He said forever and always to me and I have to believe him but then why am I freaking out about her now? God, she fucks with my brain so much. 

~Austin’s POV~

“Fine! I don’t even want to work here! Oh and Austin, don’t think I wont be back. I will destroy Alan and you. Don’t even question it. You know you still love me. You said Forever and always and I will take you to the grave with that.” Gielle called over her shoulder as she walked out of the restaurant. 

What does she mean she’ll take me to the grave with that? I know she’s crazy but what could she mean by that? Why did she have to be here? Now Alan is just staring at the table like he’s scared and I don’t even know how to comfort him. The first time I see her in over 3 years and she just makes everything in my life terrible. I really hope Alan is alright. I know he worries a lot. 

“Babe, What are you thinking about?” I questioned him, praying for a response. 

“Nothing.” He mumbles back, never looking up from the napkin he had begun messing with. 

“Alan I know you better then that. What is on your mind?” I pressed.

“Nothing Austin. Lets just get some food and get back to the hotel. I’m tired.” Alan said, then sighing. 

A new waiter came over shortly after that. I ordered out drinks and meal while Alan just sat there silently. I mentally cursed myself for bringing Alan here and Gielle for being such a little bitchface to have even taken the table reservation for ‘Carlile’ In the first place. 

Alan and I ate our meal in silence, not really talking again until we finished our meals and were about to pay. 

“Aus, I’m sorry for being so weird about what Gielle said. I just. I don’t know.” Alan whispered, grabbing a hold of my hand and linking our fingers together. 

“It’s okay Ash, it was a weird encounter…” I say, squeezing his hand a little. 

“You say that like she’d an animal.” Alan comments chuckling slightly. 

“That’s because she is, now come on. We’re getting ice cream.” I say, laughing and pulling Alan quickly over to the car.

Alan and I decided we would have a movie night at the hotel so we went to the redbox and got a few scary movies so we could cuddle up on the bed and I could hold the little scaredy cat Alan the whole time because he is secretly a five year old in a 21 year old’s body. 

I've got my feet on solid ground. (Austlan Cashby)Where stories live. Discover now