This is what I have become in my life

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~Abby’s POV~ 

When I got to Starbucks I quickly found Austin and Alan in the back and sat across from them. 

“Hey guys.” I looked down at my hands. Feeling slightly embarrassed of what I was going to actually do. 

“Hey Abby, So what did you want to talk about?” Austin questioned raising an eyebrow at me.

“Well it’s about the baby. I went to hear it’s heart beat today and it’s doing very well. Now I know you don’t want the baby and I understand that…” I said trailing off.

“Well I don’t want a baby that is not mine, no.” 

“Yeah I understand that. And yes, it could be a few people. So I wanted to tell you who they are.” 

“Well spit it out!”

I explained who they all could be and he didn’t seem surprised at all when I said Shayley. Which surprised me the most. 

“Alright, so how can we find out if it is my baby?” Austin said after I finished. 

“Well that’s what I really wanted to talk about. I wont make you find out. I know you don’t want a baby and you have Alan now. So I wont make you find out at all. But we can actually find out after you get back from Warped.”

“Alright then it is all settled. I will call you when warped tour is done and Alan, you, and I will go and see if I’m the dad. If I am. Then Alan and I will be in it’s life.”

Well jesus be so intrusive with Alan being there. 

“Alright, well I have to go.” I quickly got up and left. I couldn’t stand being there with them. Not like that. 

~Alan’s POV~

Austin said he wanted me to be in the baby’s life, but why? I cant believe that if the baby is Austin’s that we will be helping take care of it like we were our own little family. This is truly all I have ever wanted. 

“Austin are you ready to go? We should be heading back to the bus I think we leave to the next venue soon!” 

“Yeah lets go my love.” He cooed to me.

Shit alright. That definitely made me blush. I hope he doesn’t noti- Shit nope, he did.

“Aw, baby you’re blushing. You’re too cute Alan!” 

I kissed Austin’s cheek before leaning up to his ear,

“Cute huh? Well you didn’t find me too cute when I was sucking you off now did you?” I whispered into Austin’s ear making him blush and let out a small chuckle. 

We slowly made out way back to our car where Austin pinned me up against the door before I could get in.

“You know Alan, I do find you much more sexy then you could ever imagine. SO why don’t we go back to the bus and have some fun?” 

“Well how could I deny that offer?” 

I quickly pecked Austin’s lips before pushing him off me and getting into the car, ready to go back to the bus. Just wanting to be able to kiss Austin all over and trace his tattoos with my- Woah, slow down there Ashby.

~Time lapse to end of tour because I can.~

~Alan’s POV~

I slowly woke up from my slumber turning around in Austin’s arms and kissing his nose before trying to pry him off of me. As I was almost out of his death grip he pulled me closer again, not once opening his eyes. 

“Austin! Get up I want to get out. I’m hungry!” I whisper-screamed shaking him slightly.

He mumbled incoherently in his “slumber” before rolling over and yawning finally letting go of me. 

“I know you weren’t sleeping Austin.” I sternly stated crossing my arms and looking at the boy. 

All he could do was blush slightly and look down murmuring a “so” before getting out of the bunk and pulling me with him. 

After making breakfast and getting ready Phil, Tino, and Aaron all emerged from the bunk area dressed and ready to go. 

“Hey guys, go get ready, We go on at 1:20 and its about noon right now!” Phil nearly screamed at us when he noticed we were still not dressed. 

“Chill bro, our set got moved back to 5:30, and we have a signing at 6:30 alright? We aren’t going to be late for anything unless we have an interview that we have to do.” 

Austin and I finally got dressed and were getting ready when our tour manager walked in telling us had to be on stage in 45 minutes and that we had to get over there quickly.

Once it got to the end of our show I started getting nervous. Today was the last day of Warped Tour and tomorrow we would all be back in our homes. And tomorrow we would go and see if Austin was the father of Abby’s baby. AND SHE WAS DUE IN LESS THEN 3 MONTHS! How could I keep calm and not worry about it when I just started to realize everything that is happening in my life. 

I think Austin noticed how tease I was getting because right in the middle of Still YDG'N he came over and kissed my cheek. Instantly calming me down and I went back to playing carelessly watching as Austin bounced around and had the time of his life. He was so cute with how happy he always was while on stage. He just loved helping everyone with our music and to see him this happy meant the world to me. 

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