All i want is you.

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~Alan's POV~

God fucking Dammit. I walk into the fucking bus and whats the first thing i see? Austin and Abby watching Austin and my favorite movie to watch TOGETHER. Fucking no. I bet that little whore picked it out too.

She hates me, I hate her. And she just LOVES making me want to stomp her face in.

One of these fucking days though. She is going to slip up. Austin is going to catch her flirting with some other guy, or fuck maybe she will just be stupid enough to just brake up with Austin, We all know she just wants two things in life. Those of course being Money and Sex.

My thoughts were interupted by a heavanly voice calling my name. I looked up to see Austin standing in front of me.

"Alan, Whats wrong my ginger prince? You have been staring off into space and completely ignoring Abby and me sense you got on the bus!" Austin said with a look of concern on his face.

Why would he even care? He has his whore here.

"nothing, just uhh missing Maggie thats all." god that was a horrible lie. Hes going to see right through it.

"Oh uhmm okay, just go call her. maybe she can come out to the next show? We will be in california you know!" Austin said and i would have sworn i saw a hint of hurt in his eyes. 

"alright. Well im going to bed, good night." God fucking damn it i dont want to go to bed but i definently dont want to see Austin and Abby right now. And i definately dont want to see Maggie tomorrow. She is always trying to talk shit about Austin and i cant stand it. She says he gives her dirty looks when we kiss. Haha Yeah right.

~Austins pov~

Damn, when Alan walked into the bus he looked adorable like alwa- wait no Austin, you did not just think that about your bestfriend. And your beautiful girlfriend is sitting right next to you!  

And of course she had to pick the one movie Alan and I always watch together. couldnt have it any other way.

Not some new drama chick flick shit. no. Alan and my fucking movie.  

No Austin, what are you thinking? Alan and you will never be together. Fucking you dont have feelings for him at all. he is your bestfriend. nothing more. get that through your head.

Oh shit. Abby is talking. oh well. Not like she ever has anything important to say.

"Baby are you listening to me?"

"uh no sorry what'd you say?"

"god damn it Austin maybe if you stopped staring at Alan you would here me say that i want to go out to the bars later! You probably don't want to go though so i'll go by myself" ah shit. maybe i need to go out. It might make me feel better.

"nah hun i'll go too!" i said. almost too enthusiastically.  


"oh uhm, are you sure you dont have to i swear, ill be fine!" Abby seemed nerves when she said that. hm weird.

And she wont look up from her phone damn. Why is she always doing this when im around her? 

"Hey Abby uh what are you doing on your phone? Your always on it anymore!" 

"Oh uhh im talking to my old friend. Im going out to the bars with them later thats why i dont want you to come. I just want it to be them and me." 

"Oh alright, I guess i'll be here when you get back then..." 

"Alright, dont wait up, i dont know how late I'll be!" Damn Abby must really miss her friend she said that way too happily. 

~Abby's POV~ 

God, i've been talking to this new guy. He's not in a band like the usual guys i fuck but damn is he hot. And at the moment he is in Phoenix, Arizona just like us. So when he asked me to go to the bars with his what do you think i said?

Now all I have to do is trick Austin into thinking im going out with old friends. Dumbass will never know what happens.

I could tell Austin was WAY out of it right now. Probably because Alan just walked in. Jesus fuck its like he has a fucking crush on him or something. I mean, I'm pretty sure Alan has a crush on Austin but the other way around? I dont know. 

I started telling Austin I was going to the bars but he wasnt listening to me. Well you know what that means I'm definitely going to try to have sex with Tyler tonight. I dont care. I mean its not like Austin has ever found out about anything i do before so why not do it if i can?

After convincing him i could go out to the bars by myself and he didnt need to come i went to go get ready. Looking like a dime short of a hooker and ready to go i threw on a sweatshirt and walked out the door to my car. Once there i took my sweatshirt off fixed my boobs and drove to the bar I was meeting tyler at. 

I've got my feet on solid ground. (Austlan Cashby)Where stories live. Discover now