I'm a sore eye with blurry vision.

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~Austin's POV~  

And we're back to tour life. It's been a few weeks sense I proposed to Alan. We've been planning the wedding a lot. We have a lot of the small things decided. But it's going to be hard to plan the rest of the wedding on tour. Not to mention the fact that we haven't come out to the public eye yet so Alan wearing an engagement ring on his finger and us being so close will probably start some rumors. I just hope no one tries coming on to him at shows because I'm not sure I'll be able to with hold myself from slapping a bitch with fake boobs up to their chins and spray tans more orange then Alan's hair.  

At the moment Alan and I are laying in our bunk cuddling, waiting to arrive at the next rest stop on the way to Texas for our first show. Alan was sleeping next to me on the inside of the bunk. His lips slightly parted as he murmured in his sleep. He was so cute when he was asleep and I just loved being next to him at times like this.  

"Austin?" Alan questioned in his sleep. He was dreaming about me.  

"No Austin! What are you doing?" He kept talking. His eyebrows knitted together as if he was confused or upset in his dreamland.  

"Austin why are you doing this?" He cried out.  

"Austin no! Please don't leave me. " he whispered crying in my arms.  

I began shaking Alan calling his name slightly trying to take him away from whatever was happening in his dream that had him in such a state as to be crying out my name.  

"Austin?" Alan questioned ones he finally wakes up.  

"Baby I'm right here. What were you dreaming about?" I watched him with careful eyes full of concern as he looked up at me with eyes pleading and sad.  

"I- just drop it for now, I'll explain later. I just want to go watch a movie with everyone. Please?" Alan finally asked and I couldn't help but become more worried as of what he was dreaming about.  

~Alan's POV~ 

I walked onto the bus after an amazing show. I walked state over to Austin for a hug but as I got into the front lounge where he was I almost collapsed. He was there, yes, but he definitely wasn't alone. Abby was there. And she was shoving her tongue down his throat. I walked over trying to find out what was going on.  

"Austin?" I questioned knitting my eyebrows together when he looked up at me and smirked.  

"No! Austin, what are you doing?" I screamed as he stood revealing his hands tangled with Abby's.  

"Austin, why are you doing this?" I asked one last time before he finally spoke up.  

" because Alan, I have never loved you. You should know that! I only got with you to make Abby jealous. Come one Alan, your not dumb. You should have seen this coming." By this time there were tears streaming down my cheeks as I played with my hands staring at the engagement ring on my finger.  

Austin walked straight over to me and kissed my lips then backed away. 

"Austin no! Please don't leave me!" I screamed reaching out to him as I watched him grab Abby and walk away slowly fading into the bunk area.  

I was being shaken and when I opened my eyes I was greeted by the concerned face of Austin. He questioned me about what I was dreaming about but I just can't tell him so I said I'd tell him later and went to watch a movie with Phil and Tino in the front lounge.  

~At Show~ 

Everyone was going crazy and Phil and I were head banging in sync while we played OG loko. Austin was running around stage screaming his head off and making faces at cameras. We were almost to the end of the set and I was just scared of what would come after. Austin would surely bring up my dream and I didn't want to lie to h but I also didn't want him to feel horrible thinking that I thought he didn't love me because I know he does. I don't know where the dream came from. 

I was to deep in thought to notice Austin coming over to me as we ended the song. I didn't notice he was standing next to me until I heard girls screaming from the crowd and felt his arm sling around my shoulder resting on my arm as I finished the last notes of the song and Austin let out one final scream before the song was over and it was time fore us to head off stage.  

"KISS KISS KISS KISS!" The crowd screamed as we were all exiting the stage.  

I glanced over to Austin as he looked back at me, his back to the crowd so they couldn't see his small smile and wink. I glanced at his lips before chuckling and puckering my lips dramatically for him to kiss me. I gasped as his lips met mine and he bit my bottom. He took this to his advantage as he slipped his tongue into my mouth and I slightly moaned as he massaged his tongue on mine. The kiss was short lived though, as I quickly pushed him away and grabbed the microphone from his hand. Almost everyone in the audience were cheering or making rude remarks and funny faces.  

"WE'LL THERE'S YOUR FUCKING SHOW!" I screamed into the mic before dropping it and jogging off stage, Austin following on my heels.  

"Well how about that kiss baby?" Austin asked pinning me against the wall as we got out of sight of the crowd.  

A giggle escaped my lips as I pressed my mouth to Austin's again. I gently bit his bottom lip making a moan escape his lips as I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled. Damn I love this man so much.  

"Come on boys! Break it up, break it up!" Aaron yelled from behind us.  

"Why should we?" Austin countered.  

"Maybe because we have fans to meet?" Aaron protested walking towards the back door that led to our bus and eventually screaming fans. All of them making grabbing hands at us. Greeaaaatt.  

"AUSTIN! ALAN!" We heard them scream the minute we walked out the door.  

"Heyheyheyheyhey!" I screamed after them.  

"Kiss!" We heard some girls screaming.  

I looked over at Austin as he giggled and looked over at me causing me to blush slightly and lean up and kiss his cheek. All the girls screamed and laughed and chanted "Austlan Cashby" at us.  

"Wait! What are you all talking about? Shipping?" Austin asked a girl who looked like she was about to pass out from screaming 'ship' so loud.  

"Weeellllll, most of us ship Austlan Cashby, your couple name. Ship means as in like relationship and we want you to be together!" She finally choked out.  

"Wait look! Alan has an engagement ring on!" Someone yelled from in the crowd and I started to panic.  

I quickly waved bye to the fans and ran back into the venue and to the green room. I sat in the room for about 15 minutes before Austin and Aaron finally came in too. Austin blooped down on the couch next to me and Aaron sat in the chair beside us.  

"So that was a lot to try and explain..." Austin sighed 

"How did you explain?" I asked eyeing him.  

"We'll we said that you were just wearing a ring and they saw it on the wrong finger and so you ran away so they would never no like the ginger princess you are."

Holy fuck guys im sorry i havent updated. I'm a bit of a bitch for that. But here. Enjoy. Next chapter maybe I'l right something naughty to make up for it? Tell me what you think!

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