Pretty little lady with the swollen eyes will you show them to me?

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~Alan's POV~  

Austin pulled me out of the bathroom that we had fallen into while trying to hear what Maggie and Maddie had to say. I mean yeah, I felt bad for Maddie but I can't do anything about her feelings that I don't have. She was one of my best friends when Maggie and I were younger. And now that I have Austin I guess I haven't really talked to her to tell her about the way my life has gone.  

"Hey baby, don't worry to much about Maddie. You're going to get stressed out. Jus relax and have fun at our ENGAGEMENT PARTY!" Austin emphasized the last part making me smile.  

"I'm still not used to thinking that we're actual getting married Austin! I love you so much!" And I truly did.  


It's been a while sense Austin and I fell into the bathroom and I haven't seen Maggie or Maddie anywhere around. I saw Mike a few times but never with Maggie.  

"Can- can I have- everyone's attention" I heard Maggie's voice slur from the DJ stand microphone.  

"We'll imma take your a- tent-ion anywayss" Maggie slurred again. She was definitely piss drunk.  

I quickly ran up to Maggie meeting Austin and Mike coming along the way.  

"MAGGIE! What are you doing?" Mike whisper-screamed at her.  

"Making a fuckin spe-ech what it look like?" She hiccuped then.  

"Alright... Maggie lets think about our words before we talk though, alright?" Austin said before wrapping his arm around my waist and walking forward to let Maggie make his speech.  

Mike stayed never to Maggie trying to steady here so she didn't start tripping. He had his arms around her waist and I have to admit, they were quite cute together. Maggie hiccuped once more before testing her voice and starting her speech.  

"Soooo, these guys are fucking hot so when two incredibly sexy guys wanna get married, they should so they be getting married cuz dats the right thing to doooooo" Maggie slurred.  

Mike was still trying to get Maggie away from the mic stand and Austin was on the floor laughing at her drunken state. Austin quickly got up as she continued though, and what she was saying earned a blush on my face, matching my hair perfectly.  

"Me being Alan's ex I know he's amazing in bed and I'm sure Austin is too. So they probably have some of the best sex ever. Kaaayyyy that's allllll guyyyyyssssss" Maggie finally finished.  

I cannot believe she just said all of that in front of everyone. I was still blushing and when I looked up I saw Austin looking at his feet, unsuccessfully trying to hide his own blush.  

The party went on as normal as it could with our group of friends. There was dancing and groping and I even saw Maddie making or with some guy before we left. I think it was Eric Lambert but I couldn't tell because his face face facing away, all I saw was the distinct ginger hair so it was pretty narrowed down in our group of friends.  


"Hey baby, did you ever talk to Maddie after Maggie made her little speech?" Austin asked as we were in a taxi on our way home because we were both too drunk to drive.  

"No I didn't, I did see her with a ginger shoving his tongue down her throat so that's good!" I said excitedly.  

"Jeez, does that girl have a thing for the ginger locks or what?" Austin questioned as we onto our street.  

"I guess she does! I'm just hoping she gets a boyfriend and everything is alright with me and her! We're best friends and I don't want anything to change that!" I said, thinking about the earlier events.  

We finally pulled up to our house and I quickly ran to the door then realized I had to wait for Austin to open the door because I had the keys. After getting inside I ran around looking for my little kitty and tripping due to my intoxication levels. When I finally found little Sophie she was curled up on Austin and I's bed. I picked her up as Austin walked into the room and wrapped his arms around me and sitting on the bed, pulled me onto his lap with him. I smiled putting Sophie down. She yawned and walked away to lay on her little pink cat bed we had bought her an I turned around to face Austin. I cuddled up to him and kissed him on the cheek before getting up to take a shower.  

I stripped my clothes off after turning the water on and quickly got in. As I was reaching for the shampoo I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist. I leaned my back into Austin as he whispered in my ear.  

"You know, I said we could after we got back from the party"  

After the words left his lips I turned quickly and pressed my lips to his.

Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter :3 Also that speech. Maggie wrote it in class. Wonderful things to be doing instead of working right? I though so. Well yep yep yep comment, vote, fan and that stuff :)

Allie out, bye peasants.

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