Epilogue? I don't know six years later tho.

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6 years later

“Claire get back in here! I’m gonna getcha!” Alan screamed as his 4 year old ran from her toy room. 

Just as Claire came out of the room she ran into her older brother David who had been looking for his papa. He walked into the same room as Alan and sat in his lap, looking exhausted and exasperated. His arms were crossed, his eyes were drooping and if Alan wasn’t mistaken he could hear Austin yelling his name. 

“Davey there you are bud. Come on! I was only trying to help you with that bike. Don’t be angry at me bud.” Austin cooed calmingly as he strolled over and kissed the top of both Alan and his young boy’s head. 

“Well dad! I don’t need your help. I’m almost 6! I can ride my bike myself!” David lisped with the loss of his front teeth obscuring his speech. 

“Babe. Go get Claire and I’ll talk care of Davey.” Alan suggested and shooed his husband away. 

Alan had a talk with David about his father just wanting to help because he’s old and blah blah blah. They laughed and when Austin came back in looking suspicious of the two, Alan kissed his cheek and suggested ice cream.  

Life hadn’t always been that easy for the couple and their family though. They had a hard time in the beginning, when David was just a newborn and they were learning everything about being a parent. Tour had been hard and when they were away they never new who to leave their small son with to be sure he was safe with how worried they always were with Gielle and Abby. Never being about to trust that they wouldn’t try anything. But now, Abby was moved to a psychiatric ward and Gielle got remarried and finally left their small family alone. 

Austin and Alan were happy and they had each other to thank. They loved their band. Their children. And all their friends they made along the way. Maggie often called, telling stories of her and mike’s child and all the shenanigans that ensued. 

Maybe their life wasn’t normal but maybe it was never supposed to be. They were happy with how everything turned out, even if they didn’t think they would make it through parts. 

“Hey Davey what do you want for your birthday? You know it’s coming up!” Austin drilled his son for what seemed like the third time that day.

“Papa, can you and dad play a show with Tino and Aaron and Phil for my birthday? I love watching you.” David finally decided, hopeful eyes staring up at his fathers. 

“Well I’ll tell you what. I’ll try my hardest to do that if that’s what you really want.” Austin answered, looking at Alan who was already getting his phone out of his pocket. 

It didn’t take long for a reply and everything was put into action for their little boy’s seventh birthday. To get a show ready and tickets sold in three weeks at their home town would be hard but if it was for their children, Austin and Alan would do anything. 

It was to be a surprise party. David had no idea what was happening when his fathers packed him and his sister into their car on October 8th and drove off. He had figured it was to a supper. Maybe they’d be going to see Granddad or maybe Aunt Maggie, so you could guess how confused he was when they pulled up outside some big building that he seemed to remember but couldn’t quite put his finger on it, until he saw a girl walk past him with one of those shirts he was always seeing people wear when they stopped his daddies in the store or someplace asking for a picture with them. 

Austin looked back to see David’s face light up when the realization struck him. Alan handed both their kids large ear muffles to protect their ears while they played. David thought that it was going to be just a show to watch like the few others he had been to but when they were inside and he say the stage he could just make out the banner hanging over uncle Tino’s drum set reading his name. 

Austin and Alan left David and Claire with Justin on stage right while playing until the middle of the set when Alan came over and brought his birthday boy out onto stage where everyone sang him happy birthday. Everyone in the venue new how happy the family was and them helping make Austin and Alan’s birthday boy’s day that much more special made the couple think about how thankful they are for their fans. 

alright are you happy? I did it. I finished it. I showed what would happen in the ending. I concluded everything that happened. I hope you like this because I wasn't going to make it but then i was like. Wow I'm an asshole. I need to give my story a proper ending so here it is! Hope you all don't hate me and still want to read this ending!

Probably not but whatever. It's here. I'll write anyone a smutty oneshot who comment a ship next for how long I made you wait. 

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