All they told me was just give up

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~Alan’s POV~ 

Maggie came back into the back lounge about ten minutes after the first time tell us what exactly Abby was planning to do. And to be honest her telling Maggie to pretend she was pregnant is just cold. And the fact that she thought that Austin would just leave because she got pregnant without even knowing if it was his or not was even worse. She cant always get what she wants when she wants it. She had Austin and fucked that up. Now She has to pick up the pieces on her own god damn it. 

“Alan what’s wrong? Don’t worry baby.” Austin said wrapping me in his arms and pulling me onto his lap. 

“It’s just I don’t want to lose you. And if Abby’s baby is yours then I know you will want to be in it’s life.” I buried my face into Austin’s chest not wanting to see his face. 

“Alan I want you to know that I’m not going to leave you because some bitch is having a baby and she claims it to be mine. I wont leave you even if the baby is mine. I will get it into Abby’s fat head that if that is my baby then I will take care of it and she wont be stopping me. And she wont be having me leave you either.” 

“You promise?”

“Alan I fucking pinky swear. You can’t brake those kind of promises!” 

“Austin, I love you.” 

“I love yo-” I cut Austin off before he could finish by kissing his lips. I never wanted to break the kiss but Maggie was still in the room and I figured it might be weird for her to see two guys, one she recently broke up with, kissing on the couch in front of her. 

“Oh sorry Maggs…” I apologized looking sheepishly up at her. 

“Oh no you guys can continue all you want! I’m going to go find Mike! Bye.” 

And with that she got up and left. 

Grabbing Austin’s hand we rushed back to my bunk only stopping to grab a blanket. As Austin got into the bunk I started thinking about Abby. How she wanted Austin. Why was she so determined to get him? 

Austin interrupted my thoughts by kissing me on the cheek whispering goodnight. I fell asleep right after, listening to his steady heartbeat. 

~Time lapse to a few days later….~

~Abby’s POV~

I haven’t spoken to Maggie or Austin sense the night I told them I was pregnant. And I was going to the hospital today to hear the baby’s heart beat. Now I know this is weird, but I’ve grown attached to this little shit that’s in my stomach right now. But if I don’t get Austin to help raise it I don’t know what I’ll do. No one besides him would ever help me with it. I really need to talk to him. I mean if he wont leave that piece of shit Alan which I’ve sort of figured out now, then I at least want to know if it is his baby. 

To: Austin 

Hey, I no you don’t want 2 talk 2 me but I need 2 talk 2 you and Alan. Can we meet up in like… an hour at a Starbucks? ~Abby

From: Austin

As long as you don’t try to lay a fucking finger on Alan, Yes. 

To: Austin

I won’t, I promise. I just need 2 talk 2 you 2. ~Abby

I closed my phone after telling them when and where to meet me and then got up to the maternity ward at the hospital. 

~Austin’s POV~

So now Abby wants to talk to Alan and me? I do not trust this. But I guess I’m going to have to… 

“Hey Alan, We’re going to Starbucks in about an hour alright? Get ready!” I screamed into the back lounge where Alan and Phil were playing video games. 

Now to get ready and make sure Abby isn’t planning on doing anything stupid. 

To: Maggie

Hey, did Abby tell you she was planning on doing anything to Alan and me? She wants to talk to us both but I’m afraid she might do something stupid. 

From: Maggie

Nah, she didn’t tell me anything. Maybe she decided to stop being a bitch and actually let you and Alan be together. Haha ~Mikeyboo~

To: Maggie

Nice signature Maggs. And yeah I doubt that! Hopefully though. 

Well I guess its time to go. 

“Alan you ready?”

“Yeah but why do you want to go at this specific time? Are we meeting someone there?”

“Uhhh… I’ll tell you in the car alright?”

“okay…” God. I cant tell him yet. If he knows he wont want to go. And I need to know what the fuck Abby is planning. 


“Sooo Austin, who are we going to see? Can I know now” Alan pleaded to me. 

“Well don’t freak out but we’re going to see Abby. I know you hate her and so do I don’t get me wrong but if that is my baby I want to be there for it and not even know if it’s mine.”

“Alright. But if she dares touch one of us I will personally… get Maggie to beat her white ass… After she has the baby. Wow that didn’t do the way I wanted it to at all.”

“Alan you’re too cute.”

“I love you, Austin”

“I love you too” I finished parking the car at the near by Starbucks we were to meet the bitch at…


Alan and I ordered our drinks and sat together in a booth waiting for Abby to get here. 

We started talking that led to kissing. We heard someone clear their throat and when we looked up some old lady was standing in front of us at with a disgusted look on her face. 

“Can you two faggots not do this here. I am the manager and this is a public place! How could you even think that was alright?”

“I’m sorry, And there isn’t anyone besides us in here. And we’re in the back. We are truly sorry ma’am” I retorted shyly separating from Alan but grabbing his hand and intertwining our fingers under the table. 

HA YOU ALL STILL HAVE TO WAIT TO FIND OUT WHAT ABBY DOESNT COMPLETELY XD i will try to undate again in the next few days. I cant promise anything though. Oh and I'm sorry i did update sooner. I couldnt think of how to write everything o.e like i had the same thing writen down sense the last time i edited and shit. yeah okay. I'm just going ot go.... OH AND IF YOU WANT THE NEXT CHAPTER DEDICATED TO YOU YOU SHOULD LEAVE A COMMENT PLEASE KSADFDH XD

Alright bye peasants, Allie out. 

I've got my feet on solid ground. (Austlan Cashby)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora