LAM part three.

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Your P.O.V.

You woke up to the sound of whispering. You squinted your eyes.

"Niall aren't they just so cute?" you heard a voice whisper.

" Mmmmm....not really. Here I'll wake them." you hear Niall whisper and the sound of him moving towards you and Liam. You remembered how you had fallen asleep in Liam's arms.

" No......are you crazy? Get away from them!" you heard another voice say. You chuckled a little to yourself at how Niall was being protective of you cause he really wanted you it was cute. But you had couldn't have both could you?

You couldn't think about this now, it was just the morning after all. You closed your eyes again and snuggled into your boyfriend a bit more.

Niall's P.O.V.

As Harry was dragging me away I looked over and saw Sam nestle into Liam's arms a little. I pretended to throw up at the site and frowned as I sat down at the dining table.

It just made me sick to think that I kissed Liam's girlfriend, who was I? Who was she changing me into? I usually am all happy and cheerful in the morning but instead I woke up to the sight of them cuddling and was filled with hatred.

I wasn't supposed to be like this.

" Stop....they're cute together." Harry said staring at them.

I rolled my eyes as Louis walked into the kitchen followed by Syndey.

"Good Morning." Harry piped.

" More like bad morning...." I mumbled as I stared down at my hands.

Harry quickly glared at me and Louis came over and sat down." Why is my little Irish man so grumpy?" he asked pinching my cheeks.

I knocked his hands off and went back to playing with my hands. I wasn't gonna tell Louis.....I wasn't going to tell anyone what happened last night. But......was she going to?

My mood quickly shifted as I realized I was the bad guy here....not Liam. But she kinda was too. I mean she kissed me that second time. And it left me confused........she took advantage of me.

I mean I was sad and desperate at the moment, and she saw that and took advantage of me I just know it. She was to blame if Liam found out and this little thing tore us apart. I would have to find a time to talk with her about this later.

Even though I kinda did want her to at least have felt the feelings that came over me last night. It was like I was in a daze and it was because I was depressed and she made me feel better. But was just a fantasy that I kept re-living in my mind.

Great I was confused......was i supposed to be mad or tell her I love her? I decided to just wait and see what would happen when she woke up.

I looked over at the couch and saw that Liam was waking up.

Liam's P.O.V.

I slowly opened my eyes as I heard a loud scream," Carrots for breakfast!" I groaned, it was most likely Louis.

I looked at the door where the balcony was and it was closed and a blanket was laid out on the other couch. Niall must have finally come in and slept. I wonder what he was on about last night. I would need to talk to him about it later.

I looked around where was Sa-.......I felt a breathing on my chest and looked down. How could I not have noticed she was here? I mean she isn't  hard to miss, she is just too stunning. Which reminded me of how we first met. She knocked me off my feet.

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