For Niall and Haley! I SHIP HIALL!

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Your P.O.V

"Hey Haley." your friend Felicity said as you sat down in your seat.

" Hey." you said while smiling and sliding the strap of your backpack off and setting your backpack on the floor.

" Ok so apparently we are supposed to have a new student come in today and....everyone says he is freaking hot. And i mean hot!" Felicity said and you laughed.

She thought everyone was hot, i mean she even thought the guy you had a crush on was attractive.His name was Hayden and he was the sweetest guy in your grade.

And yet he was still the star of the football team, but that didn't matter because he was sooooooooooooooooooooooo freaking cute!

"Ok well, do you even know his name?" you asked while still laughing at her.

"I heard that it starts with an N." she said and you thought about it for a moment. Maybe his name was Nathan?

Or....Nathaniel? Whatever you thought as you sat back in your seat because all you needed to think about was Hayden.

And as you were day dreaming about him, he suddenly walked into the classroom with a few of his friends and they all casually walked in. And behind them was this blonde boy who you'd never seen before.

And he was making small chitchat with Hayden and his friends then he looked at the ground and then directly at you.

Okay awkward you thought to yourself as you looked down at your hands quickly and then pretended to get your pencil out of your backpack.

You felt Felicity tap on your shoulder and so you sat back up in your seat and looked at her. " That's him!" she whispered excitedly while pointing at the blonde boy.

Oh well....he was pretty attractive you thought and then you quickly slapped her hand down because she was still pointing at him.

"No, you have to see which one i am talking about." Felicity said as she frantically pointed at the boy.

"I knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww-." you said as you struggle to put her arm down. But you stopped in mid-sentence when you heard chuckling.

You looked towards the front of the classroom and saw the blonde boy chuckling so you quickly let go of her arm and blushed. Not because he was cute.....jsut beacause you were kinda embaressed.

Hopefully, he didn't think that you liked him because you didn't want him to think that. Since your dating....err mentally dating Hayden.

Ok maybe not that but your at least crushing on him and adding another very attractive man into that would just complicate things.

So on that note you quickly hid your face with your hands and just stared at Felicity.

" Ohhhhhh i see you have a crush on him too!" Felicity said beaming and you shook your head quickly.

" What?!?! Nooooo."  you said quickly because it wasn't true. You only like Hayden and that was it. You weren't about to let some new kid complicate things just because he was hot.

"No." you said again as she was still smirking at you and was getting kinda creepy!

"Well then one of you likes eachother because, he hasn't taken his eyes off of you this whole freaking time!" Felicity said and you slowly lowered your hand so you could have a peek.

"Crap!" you said as soon as you made eye contact and you resumed position again.

"Help!" you said and Felicity tried to knock your armdown.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2013 ⏰

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