For Tyler and Marie! I SHIP TARIE!

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"Alright everyone take your seats the sermon is about to begin." the pastor said while grabbing his notes and setting it on the podium.

All of you took your seats and began to get ready for the sermon. And about 20 minutes into it, the doors in the back open up. Letting a rush of cold air fill the room.

The pages of your bilble begin to slowly flip and you take your eyes away from the door fo a second to flip back to the page you were on.

You look back up and see this man and woman and the woman drops something and bends over to grab it really quick.

As soon as she bends down you see this very.......... very cute boy. Now he wasn't hot but he was really cute and you just stared at him in amazement. You then looked away and were just smiling at how cute he was. You hadn't realized that they were walking over to the area your parents and you were sitting.

"Marie!" your mom whispered and you snapped out of your thoughts. 

"What?" you whisper back and you see that the woman, man, and him are all waiting for you to move your feet so they can walk by and sit down.

"Oh!" you say and then pull your feet back, smiling at them, and then quickly looking back at your book in embaressement.

The boy sits down next to you because there was not much room for everyone to fit and for him to move and sit on the other side. He looks at you for a second.

You turn away quickly hoping he didn't notice.

"Um excuse me?" he asks. And you mutter under your breath at how stupid you are for looking and making it obvious.

You don't respond hoping he will just move on with whatever he was wondering. So, you pretended you didn't hear him.

He clears his throat and repeats, "Excuse me?"

"Yes?" you asked still not looking up, pretending to be busy reading the bible.

"What page are we on?" he asked.

You finally looked up at him.... err down at him because he was kinda short and so you were taller then him. "Um........" you were so distracted by his features that you blanked out.

"Ummmmm what? I mean i looked for it in the table of contents but can't find it..... did oyu just make that up?" he joked and you chuckled. Surprised that this cute church boy had a sense of humor.

"I..... um yes i did." you said pretending to look ashamed and he chuckled.

"We are on Exodus 2:14" you say and you both look back down at your books and begin to listen.

While he is flipping through the pages you look back up at the pastor and start to take some notes.

"Pssst...psst." the boys gently nudges you in the side while whispering.

"Yes?" you asked smiling because you really like how he was funny and made things entertaining.

"Do you have a pencil?" he asked. You smiled and reached into your purse for one. You handed it to him and WOAH!

Tyler's P.O.V.

She handed me the pencil and as soon as she did our hands touched. She quickly yanked hers back and blushed looking back down at her bible.

I smiled because it was cute the way she blushed. Did she feel a spark too? Did she feel what i just felt?

Oh who am i kidding? Probably not. Why was i even bothering to flirt with her anyway? I kept asking myself these questions and i guess it was because she was so beautiful. I liked making her laugh and hearing her giggle quietly While trying not to disrupt church.

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