For Natalie and Niall!! I SHIP NILIE!!

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"Ok so you said no dessert?" you asked while talking on the phone with the kids that you were babysittings' parents. Hally and Ben's expressions turned to dissapointed and they started to throw tantrums.

"Alright, yep they will be asleep by 8:00pm and i guess i'll see you both around 9?" the kids started to pout even more as they heard you say that, and then they  saw you end the call.

"Can we please go to bed at 8:30?" both the kids whined.

"No guys, i know you... and you definitley don't go to sleep at even 8:00 when your supposed to." you placed your hands on your hips and said. They both smirked at eachother and then started whining again.

"Tell you what... we will go to the park and you can build sand castles, pretend it is your mom and dad, and punch them to death." i said while laughing....oh wait i probably shouldn't of said that. The kids immediatly ran and got ready for the park. And since it was rainy outside, you got your boots and coat on too. Then you slipped your scarf around your neck and then began to gather all of your belongings into your purse.

Well, we had an hour to spend at the park and what better way then..... sketching you thought to yourself.

"Okay guys, you got your rainboots on?" you asked, as you packed your sketchbook into your purse and the kids came running back down the stairs.

"Yes can we go already?" Hally and Ben replied as they rushed past you and out the door.

You laughed and grabbed the keys off the little table next to the door.

Once all the kids were situated into the car you drove to the park that was 10 min. away from the house. Hally and Ben ran out the car and straight to the sand pit. you took a seat at a bench near the sand pit after you locked you car.

Pulling out your sketch pad you begin to draw in it. Doodling your favorite little drawing of love. And you were a really good artist at that. " TAKE THAT MOM!" ben yells as he steps on the pile of sand that was supposed to be his mom.

You look up only to laugh and return to drawing. "Eew Natty, there was gum in the sand." Hally said running over to you and holding out her hand which now had gum in it.

"Alright i will be back, i have to go get the wipes out of my car." you say as Hally nods and sits on the bench.Then you get up carrying your sketch book with you, looking up every once in a while to see where you were going. But you were sooooo interested in finisheing your drawing you didn't hear Ben call out " TAG YOUR IT!"

And just as Ben said that he pushed you and all of your sketches went flying into the air. Why had you fallen you thought all he did was-

As you were feeling for your papers on the ground you felt a hand touch your hand, and you froze. Slowly looking up you saw this boy with light blonde hair, kneeling down too. He stopped shufflng the papers and looked up at you, your eyes instantly caught eachothers. You blushed ad looked down while placing some of your hair behind your ear. Then you kept gathering your papers.

Out the corner of your eyes you saw the boy still staring at you, then moments later he started to help you again. You both finally gathered the papers and he handed them back to you.

" Well, um there you go." the boy said nervously as he slipped his hands into his pockets.

"Yep..." you trailed off still starnig at him.

"Yep...." he replied staring at his feet.

You both let out nervous laughs and he looked back up at you. So, you smiled at him but he blushed and looked back down smiling. Wow, he had a really nice smile. And you looked a bit closer and he had braces on.

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