I ship Niall and Gwen! I SHIP NWEN!

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"Ugh what!?!?" you say feeling on your desk around you as you lift your head up slowly.

You come to the conclusion that you fell asleep on your desk while doing your homework so you glance back at your alarm clock on your night stand.

"2:00am? Really?" you ask yourself sighing in frustration. This stupid geography test was absolutley pointless and you didn't see why you needed to study for it.

It was pitch black and you couldn't see a thing, but obviously you were woken up by something. Oh your phone! You quickly realize as you feel a vibration in your pocket again and then pull out your phone from your jacket pocket.

Oh great you even slept in your clothes! You realized as you huffed even louder and then answered it.

"Hi we're One Direction and-." you hear across the phone and start to squeal because you shouldn't have to listen to the rest of the voice mail.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE I WON!" you screamed interrupting the voices on the call.You get ready to hang up when you hear very familiar voices.

" Um.... how did you know you did we haven't even told you yet." a voice laughed and you could hear other voices laughing with him. So, you started to laugh i mean it was just a voice mail so.....you started babbling like an idiot.

"OH LOL! So...... it is like 2 am here...... and ugh i have to study for a geography test and ugh!" you say laughing at yourself and just speaking into the phone. You were so thankful it was a voicemail, so you could have someone to rant to.

"Hello?" you hear 5 voices ask. Oh come on.... why are they trying to kill you by adding this incredubly adorable message?

"Hey!! I'm pretty sure we already established that someone is on the other line haha. But i am so glad you are here because......... well i am sooo bored and i should be getting to sleep but i have to study ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" you continue the ugh for a while.

Niall's P.O.V.

"What?" i asked confused and all the boys tried to hold in their laughs.

" I.....oh gosh i am so glad you guys can't hear me.... but i am like so so so so so so so so so so so"she said and all the boys were cracking up.

"I don't get it....." i whispered to the boys and they all laughed even more.

"She thinks it is a voice mail, that we are leaving....." Louis whispered leaning in and then sat back in his seat only to have Harry fall over in his lap, holding his side. Louis quickly pushed Harry off the couch and he instantly stopped laughing causing us all to laugh.

"Shhhh,shhhhh.." Liam said calming us all down.

"This is actually one direction babe." Zayn said grabbing the phone from me and talking to her.

"BAHAHAHAHA yeah right!" she said and we all laughed uncontroallably for a second.

" What do we have to do to prove it is us?" Zayn asked again.

"Haha, ok it still isn't gonna work but..... ok tell me your biggest secret that the fans don't know about." she teased.

We all froze and our faces went red..... we didn't want to tell her our secret!

"Quick say it was the wrong number and hang up!" Louis screamed/whispered.

"What are you crazy Lou?" Liam asked.

"This is al your fault!" Harry whispered slapping Zayn upside the head.

"Hehe i knew it was a voicemail." she said laughing at herself.

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