For Liam and Emily! I SHIP LIMILY!!

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Your P.O.V.

" Yes it will be so fun! Now I just have to ask my bro if it's like okay and all." you said to your friend Lucy whom you were skyping.

" Ok just ask if I can please come, cause I will never ever get to meet them and this is the perfect opportunity!" she whined and you laughed. You both were talking about how you figured out that your brother and his band ' Big Time Rush' were touring with One Direction!

The 5 hottest heartthrobs that were from Britain and Ireland. But your favorite was Liam you two would be perfect together I just knew you would be. But he probably didn't even know you existed.

While your friend went on ranting about them you turned around in your chair and looked at your wall, which was covered in posters of them.

Which reminded you of why you just had to meet them or at least see them." Hey BRB." you said to Lucy as you ran out of your bedroom. You heard your brother Carlos in his room talking really loud to someone. You walked over and opened the door.

" Well we'll find something to do with them when they get here." he said as he looked up at you and then continued to pack some clothes into his suitcase, while balancing his cellphone in between his ear and shoulder.

" No Logan no, we will not go bungee jumping........because that would kill them, and then my sister and all their other fans would kill me." he said that as he looked up at you smiling and you smiled as you walked in and sat on the edge of his bed.

You didn't get to see your brother that much and so he made sure and you made sure you both were extra nice when you did see each other. He really was an awesome brother you thought to yourself. However that could change if he happened to say that you and Lucy couldn't come and meet the boys.

" Logan says hi." Carlos whispered to you and then returned back to the phone.

" Whatever Logan....hehe.......ok ok, we can show them the set and ohhhhh I know, we will let them ride the swirly slide!" Carlos jumped up and down while saying that and you rolled your eyes. Why was He so immature?

" Awesome! Ok bye!" Carlos said and hung up.

" So........" you said dramatically and Carlos stopped packing to look up at you.

" What is it?" he asked.

" Well, since you are going to meet one direction i was thinking-." you began but he cut you off.

" No,no...I know where this is going and the answer is no.....this is professional business between us professional um....people." Carlos said nervously.

" So your saying a ride on the swirly slide is professional?" you ask standing up and putting your hands on your hips.

" Yes? Look it will be too dangerous for you and, I don't want you getting hurt." Carlos said and you awe'd. How cute was your brother you thought, I mean you liked that he protected you but sometimes it was a little now!

" Or you just don't ever want me to have a boyfriend." you said and he laughed.

" Well......that too," he said and suddenly his phone started ringing again." Hello? Oh yeah um I will be all done packing in about 10min." he trailed off and you slowly exited the room.

Maybe your mom would let you go you thought as you crept down the stairs. You lived in your cozy little childhood home because your mom didn't want any of you to lose touch with your roots and your dad agreed.

You liked that because ever since your brother became a heartthrob which you still found kinda weird, people automatically started to notice you. Like actually notice you. Now even though you never had trouble finding boys definitely didn't have trouble now.

Your moment:One shots!! ( ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now