For Zayn and Mona! I SHIP ZONA

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Zayn's P.O.V.

" Ok has anyone seen my lucky tie?" I asked as I frantically looked around.

" Zayn calm down its just a tie." Louis reassured me.

" No it isn't it's ...." I said while i remembered how Perrie gave it to me, but..... We weren't together anymore but I still considered it lucky. Well actually I don't even know why I kept it? I mean it wasn't even lucky. It made me break up with my girlfriend, almost destroy my friendship with the boys, and even almost cost me my job.

After she broke up with me. Just remember, everything stopped. I mean everything! And although the boys brought me back to reality, there are little reminders of her. Like this tie which. Should get rid of by now but.....I just can't.

" Zayn, come on let's just go out." Liam said placing a hand on my shoulder as the rest of the boys shuffled around the room getting ready.

"But I can't."I said quietly. Crap! Now Liam will ask me why, I thought to myself.

"Well why no-."Liam began and I quickly cut him off and ran to my suitcase which was lying on the floor.

" I remember, where i put it." I said excitedly as I searched through the bag and finally found it.

" That's um.....great Zayn." Liam sighed and I just smiled at him. He gave me a look of sympathy and then walked around.

I looked down back at the tie, why was everyone always staring at me like that now. Now that Perrie and I are over, I don't need to be looked at like that anymore. I've moved on honestly. Just not, completely I guess. I needed someone to understand what I was going through, I needed for me to understand what I was going through.

Maybe tonight I thought to myself as I stood in front of the dresser mirror and put my tie on. Tonight the boys and are we're going to a club. There was going to be a charity benefit thing going on there,The boys said it was for fun since this was the last night in L.A., but.....I knew it was for me to get over my break-up.

I really did want to see the fans though and the boys said that they were gonna be there so maybe it would be fun. Just one problem, tonight I had a date to go with me on the carpet to meet fans. Someone. Didn't know, they wanted me and this person to go around and mingle with the fans.

Which was nice and all but, I really just wanted to be with the boys. But they all had dates to go with too. A date? That is what me and Perrie used to go on......things called dates. So how was I supposed to forget Perrie and go on what can't even be called a date with this person that I didn't know?

Your P.O.V.

You slipped on your dress with ease." Hey Em? Can you come zip me up?" you asked your roommate.

She came into the bathroom and zipped you up as you just stared into the mirror. You looked away from your appearance and saw Emily just standing there with swollen eyes and a tissue in her hand. She was really sick. And just happened to get sick on your girls night out.

" Em are you sure you don't want me to stay with you tonight?" you asked worried.

" Yeah yeah I am fine, now please go find yourself a hot guy for me. While I sit here and eat this crappy soup." she said as she walked back into your guy's hotel room and rested in the bed which was queen sized.

The room was pretty big and very expensive but your agent bought it for you. You were on tour as a model and this was your last night of shooting for a magazine. Em was a model too but caught a cold and hasn't been able to get a break all tour. So you didn't want her to go to the charity benefit tonight. Where every celebrity wasnassignedna date, but you didn't know who yours was. Great.....this was gonna be a confusing night.

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