For Louis and Cat!! I Ship Lat!!

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You were toatally like bummed at school today because you remembered that you weren't going to the meet and greet.

"Yeah i am like so excited to see them at the meet and greet today!" a girl behind you squealed while talking to her friends.

"Whyyyyyyyyyyyy?" you whispered and then banged your head on the desk.

"Oh come on Cat!" Your friends all laughed and looked at you.

"I mean we are all bummed too but.... it is what it is." your friend Jennifer sighed.

"You would say that." you moaned and you friends all laughed again.

Why couldn't things have worked out for you? You thought to yourself as you finally unburried your head and looked up at the teacher.

It was a REALLy boring lesson and no one was paying attention so you reached into your back-pack and pulled out your sketchbook.

You opened it up to a page where One Direction drawings weren't doodled all over the page and began to draw.

You drew a cartoon of the boys oggling over you as you walked by the table.

You quietly laughed at it and showed your friends.

They all laughed and shouted at the same time. "Ohhhh draw me!"

You drew all of them and it ended up being one huge comic strip.

All the girls had a boy that they all liked and you chose Louis, and in the comic strip he saw that you couldn't get tickets and so he comes out and like asks you to be his girlfriend.

You thought that was just the cutest thing ever and wished for it to happen, "Awwwww Cat...... you are too cute. Trust me if they all saw you they would definitley do that." your other friend Lizzy giggled and all of the others agreed.

Finally it was the end of the day and you didn't have to hear anymore of those girls running around school and talk about the thing that might bring you closer to your future husband.

"Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" you sigh really loudly as you slam your locker and your friends do the same and all of you mope out of school with your heads down.

"Bye guys." you say while climbing into your car.

"Bye....." they all moan and get into their cars.

You sigh really loudly as you turn the ignition in the car and you pull out of the parking lot. Just then the radio started playin 'What Makes You Beautiful' and you kinda laugh because it seems that everything is out to get you today because you aren't, going to the meet and greet. You quickly change the channel and listen to other music.

After listening to 'We are Young' the radio is interrupted with a special announcment.

"Whoever comes 20 minutes earlier to the meet and greet of One direcion today at 3:00-" you snapped your head towards the clock in the car and it read 2:20. You listen to the rest of the announcment.

"Will get free access to meet the boys afterwards." you scream really loud and do like a sloppy u-turn and start to head in the direction of the meet and greet.

You hear your phone go off.

You quickly answer it and hear screaming "Are you gonna be there?" they screamed into the phone.

"Be there in 10 minutes!" you scream back into the phone. After you both scream for 2 min. straight you finally hang up and messily park in the first avilalble parking space that you see.

You didn't realize that you actually parked acrossed the street from the building where the meet and greet was but you didn't care. But you stopped running as you heard "Hurry, grab some paper for autopgraphs and your camera." your friend Grace yells while running down the street to the venue.

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