For Harry and Ariana! I SHIP HARI!!

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Your P.O.V.

"I....i don't, i don't think......" you heard Harry say calmly now as you just sat there desperatley trying to hold in your tears.

You wish you could stop time so that you wouldn't hear what he had to say. You were fearful of what he was about to say.

So, you pushed your mind back to happier times between you where you first met.

At a concert, and the funny thing was that out of millions of beautiful girls that were there he picked you.You always would ask him why and he would get a little angry because, well....

he hated it when you thought of yourself as not pretty. You didn't even think you could pass as cute and he just got frustrated cause he hated and couldn't understand why you thought like that.

His face showed anger but, his words always said how hurt he was when you thought like that.

Kinda like right now but you knew that he just couldn't take it anymore.

You looked up to look at his face which was just looking down at his hands or something you couldn't tell because you two were both sitting at the table.

But you couldn't help but think this argument wasn't just about how you always felt insecure it had to be about something else. He never got this angry you thought even when you did say things

about how you weren't pretty.

"Wait Harry...." you said as you sniffed trying to not let one tear fall.

He looked up at you with his eyes no longer green but a gray color. You knew that when his eyes changed from that happy green to a neautral gray that you had definitley hurt him and you hated it.

So, you quickly looked back down.

"What else is this about?" you asked.

It was quiet for moments now as you both just sat there in the gloomy atmosphere that now surrounded you both as you sat in your kitchen. You suddenly remembered that this was YOUR house along with his.

Everyone said that it was too soon for you two to make such a step but, you don't know and he didn't know something about the thought of you two waking up to see eachother was exciting.

Yeah WAS you thought.

And that also reminded you that when you said EVERYONE you meant the fans cause it did seem an awful lot like EVERYONE was out to get you. even if it was only just about 300 girls saying those things.

It got to you every time and you wished so bad that you could be stronger but you just couldn't. You could tell Harry wished you could too but at this moment it seemed like he just lost hope in every aspect of you.

Harry's P.O.V.

It wasn't the fact that i didn't lover her anymore cause i REALLY REALLY do.

I do....i still do.That is why i didn't say i DID love her cause i still do.

And i don't want to call it 'giving up' on her but, how was i suppose to help her see that i lover her? I should be the only one that matters right?

Not those jealous girls out there that are just rude and write all these sick comments. I should really be giving up on the fans not her. It was like i had to choose either her or my fans.

Like choosing the one i could spend the rest of my life with or someone out there that thinks they mught have a chance with me.

I didn't want to take chances anymore, i already took that chance with her i really didn't want to let her go but i knew all this was breaking her.

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