For Harry and Morgan! I SHIP HAGAN!!

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Your P.O.V.

"I know Harry i know.....but i-." you began but Harry cut you off. You were talking on the phone with him while you were backstage getting ready for an interview.

"Morgan! Your beautiful and you'll do fine." Harry repeated for the gazillianth time.

You slapped your hand gently to your forhead and then looked around at everyone running around anxiously almost knocking you over. This was just so overwhelming i mean to do an interview for the first time without Harry.

Your first interview at all.

You've never done one of these things...well you have but not on national t.v.! Ugh why did Harry have to be gone on this exact day you groaned to yourself.

" Morgan....babe you'll do great and i would give you the biggest hug and kiss right now but, i'll be watching!" he said and that last part made you even more nervous. It was like you were representing him and you had to make him look good.

You had to make the image of being his girlfriend look good. "Ughhhhhhhhhhhh!" you groaned into the phone as you let your head fall back.

"MORGAN PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEE!! Stop you'll do fine it'll be loads of fun once your out there." Harry said into the phone.

"YEAH BY MYSELF!" you said and you heard him laugh into the phone and you crossed your arms over your chest.

"What? Why are you laughing this isn't funny Styles." you said and he laughed again.

"It's just i can't wait to see what Alan is gonna say, he's super funny." Harry said and you let a small smile come across your lips.

He was right, Alan Carr....'Chatty man' has always been funny. And when Harry and the boys had been on the show you laughed like an idiot, pratically rolling on the floor. But then you remembered how much he had tried to embaress Harry....crap! He was definitley gonna do that to you and then your mom....your dad.....YOUR FRIENDS would all see it!

"Oh he** no, i'm not doing this....." you said into the phone and then this girl was walking by and she worked there so you tapped on her shoulder really quick. "Get this mic. off of me please?" you asked her.

Just when the lady was getting ready to take the mic. off of you Harry spoke, " No don't! Morgan you can do this, stop it!" he said and the lady quickly walked away.

But not before she called over her shoulder," Your on in 5." she said and you immediatley began to panic.

"Harry!" you screamed into the phone as you heart started to race and your breathing became troubled.

"Morgan i love you sweetheart and your gonna do good ok?" he said and you started to pant as a lady began to gently push you towards the stage.

" But...i..." you began to hesitate.

"I love you and i will come to see you as soon as it's over and say i told you so...." he said and you laughed." I will ask Paul if i can even come tonight ok babe?" he asked.

" Yes." you said calming down a bit now.

"I love you." he said and you said it back and then he hung up.

You stood there frozen, and slowly lowered the phone down to your side. "I'll take that." the lady said as she moved forward to grab your phone and you quickly jerked it away.

Then, remembered that you had to do had to come out for all the world to finally see Harry's girlfriend. It was the best thing to do at this point everyone told you.

Your moment:One shots!! ( ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now