For Liam and Samantha!! I SHIP LAM!

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"Ok be right back i'm going to walk the dog." you call over your shoulder at your roomate who is blasting her i-pod and dancing around to it.

You roll your eyes, smile, and shut the door behind you.

After you hook the dog to the leash you begin to walk down the corridor. "Oh wait, i'm going to my friend's house tonight so.... you'll have the flat to yourself tonight." your roomate bursts out the door in nothing but her underwear and a t-shirt.

You gasp at how she acted like this was all normal, "What?!?! Get inside!" you scream at her. She laughs and then dances back into the room.

You start to walk down the hallway faster so that just in case she decides to come back out, your already gone. You walk down the stairs and exit through the back door of your apartment building.

It was really chilly outside so you wrap your coat tighter around you, trying to stay as warm as possible. But nothing seems to work so you just do what you can.

You and the dog walk about a block away when you hear some noises getting closer with each step. and it looked as though they were coming from around the corner. So, you walk a little slower and peek your head around the corner. Only to see some boys and men on their phones, with a big red tour bus in the middle of them all.

You pull yourself against the wall and your dog barks. You cover it's mouth with your hand and it gets slobber all over it. "Yuck." you whisper as you wipe it on the sidewalk.

"Hey guys did you hear that?" you hear someone ask, all the noises seize and you cover your mouth with your..... eew slobber hand. You moan as you do so, but suck it up because you don't want the burglers to find out you are there.

"Yeah it was like a dog?" another boy says, and you hear footsteps which get closer and closer.

"Oh no stupid carjackers, are gonna kill me!" you whispered as you pressed your head against the wall hoping they won't see you. But darn it your wearing bright white shorts. You curse the air and then hush up because they start to get closer.

"Um.... ma'-" you cut off the boy that comes around the corner and tackle him to the ground as silently as you could, covering his mouth in the process.

He starts to mumble into your hand, as you prop him up against the wall. "Ok shhhh.... i will be asking the questions... what do you want and why are you doing this?"

He removes your hand form his mouth, and gets ready to talk but your hair starts to blow in the strong winds that surface,and he cuts himself off. While blankly staring at you.

"Well?" you whisper staring at him.

"Um.... i was just gonna say...." he trailed off but he just couldn't get the words out.

"Oh spit it o......." you forget the words too, as soon as a car's headlights flash on you two and you see how beautiful his eyes are.

"Hey Liam where did you..... well ohh hello there..." another boy comes around the corner saying.

"Harry! Oh um.... this is..." the boy begins but remembers he doesn't know your name.

" Samantha." you say grippig tighter onto the leash, and backing up. You notice how Harry is looking you up and down so you quickly tug on your shorts so that they are longer.

" Well, i'm Harry and this is Liam and wow your so very...." he begins but the boy called Liam cuts him off.

"Very nice." he said cutting Harry off cause he knew what was coming.

"How am i nice? I just tackled you to the-" Liam cuts you off.

"Because, you were just going to help us with getting a tow truck." he says as he pulls you into the alley way. You pull your dog in with you.

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