For Niall and Michaela! I SHIP NICHAELA!!

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Your P.O.V.

"Hey, heyyyyyy....." you heard you father slurr into the phone.

"Dad." you said moaning as you looked at the clock on your night stand and it was 10pm at night and yeah that time doesn't sound too bad,

but you hadn't got any sleep these past two weeks because of studying.

You were being called for the fith night in a row by your drunk father once again. Well actually your step father but he hated it when you called him step-father.

"What Michaelaaaaaaaaaa?" he slurred and you propped yourself up onto your side on your elbow.

"Why do you always do this dad?" you moaned as you ruvved your eyes.

"Do what? Party? Oh your no phone." he said and you huffed aloud.

" I have school tomorrow ya know? Finals....put bob on the phone." you said fed up with his nonsense.

"Hey, i told him to call you, sorry it was bad timing but he needs to go home now i am closing up shop." he said.

"Why can't you take him home?" you asked as you paused for a moment to hear his response.

" Because....i have to go, it is actually my anniversary." he said sheepishly through the phone and you immediatley felt bad.

Your groaned quietly and scrunched your tangled hair up in your hands in frustration and then fell on your back onto the bed.Letting the phone sit in the hand dangling off the bed.

"Hello?" you heard Bob ask.

"Oh my gosh...." you muttered quietly and then brought the phone up to your ear, " Ok ok....i'm coming." you said.

"Thank you, sorry i had to close the bar up early tonight on your most inconvenient night....i'm really sorry kiddo." Bob said and you quickly managed to pull your body completley up so you were sitting on your butt.

"I know, me too." you said allowing some frustration out as you said those words.

"Ok well i'll see you in a few minutes, and do you want me to bring your fathers truck to your place tomorrow cause you might be too tired to come back and pick it up later." Bob said.

You forgot that your father had driven his truck down there.

"No i'll walk." you said.

"But.... i mean are you sure, it's a blizzard out there." Bob said and you shrugged.

"I'll be fine Bob." you laughed thinking how Bob was kinda like the father you never had.

"Ok be careful sweetheart, i'll be waiting for you with some coffee." he said and you smiled.

"Thanks i'll need it bye." you said.

"Bye." he said and with that you hung up.You sighed one last time and then decided to get ready.

You tore the covers off of your legs and immediatley the rush of cold wind enveloped your once warm body. You shivered and then swung your legs so they hung over the side of the bed.

You turned towards your night stand and plugged your phone back up to its charger. You lived in a apartment so you weren't allowed to change the colors of the wall so you woke up every morning to peach colored walls.

It was kinda cute you thought as you glanced aruond in the dark but then you flisked on a switch and these night Christmas lights that you had hung over your bed.The lights made a circle around the words

'Baby you light up my world like nobody else'

And you loved it so much.Then you turned on your bigger light which showed posters everywhere.

Your moment:One shots!! ( ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now