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It took us a few days to prepare the team for the rescue mission. I had a deep talk with Zuko and Kira about the prank they did and obviously explained everything that had and has been happening to Sakura and Sasuke.

During that time Zuko officially met the Uchiha couple. They had a nice chat together and even started training. Kira soon joined them too and had a great time.

The rescue mission was supposed to depart at sunrise and in a week they were suppose to return.

We were at the gates giving them their last instructions to Iwabe, a few crew members and the old couple.

"Do you have to go?" Kira asked with a sad tone.

"Is what people like us do, Kira-san" Sakura said with a warm smile. The small girl made a pout.

Sasuke smirked to himself. Perhaps he remembered that childish gesture very well. "One day, when you grow up, you'll understand."

"When?" She insisted.

"Some other time." He said. Zuko crossed his arms.

"What's with that face?" Sakura asked.

"I will not see you in real action." He replied. "You told me all these battle stories, and I won't even be able to go with you..."

"You're too young to go on a mission like this one, kid" Iwabe said.

"But you'll come back right?" He said with excitement as I watched him in silent.

"We'll do our best." Sakura said as the Uchiha couple turned to me. A moment of silence passed as we stared into each other's eyes.

"You did well.." Sakura said with a warm smile. "Naruto and Hinata are really proud of you. You know that right?"

"I do." I replied while returning the smile. Then I looked at uncle Sasuke. "You're not serious about this, aren't you?"

"We are" he said. "We had a nice time here, and while we were away we had a relatively calm life."

"Kakashi-sensei knows about this too." Sakura added as I tried to hide my tears. "You know it time Hima. Let us go."

I took a huge breath. "I hate to admit it, but if that's your wish...then so be it."

I stepped forward and hugged them tightly. "Thank you for everything" I said.

"No." Sasuke replied. "We thank you for everything you've done and created for us."

The following nights were unusually long. Everything seemed to be too peaceful and calm at the village.

I moved around the bed I shared with Shinki trying to fall asleep. But the feeling I had was too much.

"What's wrong..." I heard Shinki say in a sleepy tone. I hated to admit it, but he knew me very well. He knew I was worried about something.

"It's....it's..." I tried to say but nothing coherent came up. "It's done..."

Shinki nodded and pulled me closer to him in a warm hug. "Then the people will come back safe.... And they will have fulfilled their last wish."

"Yeah..." I said while giving up to his hug.

Meanwhile, at a certain room an old man opened his eyes looking for some air. But ay the same time, he knew that he wouldn't get it. That it was his time, his moment to leave this world and join his comrades in the after life.

He felt a huge pain in his heart, similar to when the Seventh Hokage was killed. He knew what it meant. The two remaining members of his team had passed away doing what they do best.

"Finally, we're all in peace..." he said while releasing his last breath.

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