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I never knew it was going to end like this...

To be seen as a threat by everyone I love, when the only thing I wanted was to be just like them. To be strong, useful, be someone of importance.... just like them.

But I never was like this, and now I'm paying the consequences.

'Yes you are, but only because you want to. You can become someone much better, stronger, scarier...'

'Shut up'

It's been 8 months since I left Konoha to live at Sunagakure with Shinki. However I mantain constant communication with my parents regarding the treatment I'm receiving to erradicate Toneri's.....poison? Curse mark?

'I don't even know how to call it anymore'

'Because it's part of you. Deep inside you, you crave for blood and revenge.'

'I said shut up!'

"Is everything okay?" asked a female nurse as she entered the room to hand me some results.

"Yes!" I replied with a warm smile. "It's just..."

"Your condition" she said while agreeing. "Shinki-sama will arrive soon. Do you want me to take care of these patients so you could have the rest of the afternoon?"

"And why is that?" I replied as she suddenly became very nervous and made a silly excuse for leaving. I rolled my eyes.

"What on Kami's world you have planned out, Shinki?" I murmured.

"Nothing that would frighten or put in danger my beautiful flower" he said from behind. I smiled as he came closer.

"Haven't you got a meeting with the Kazekage?" I asked. A few weeks ago he started some special training with his father.

"I've just finished" he replied. "So I came here, wondering if you wanted to take a walk around the village with me."

I saw how he tried to hide his red cheeks with his iron sand. "That's a great idea. I just need to finish these papers and then I'll go."

"Good. I'll be waiting outside."

I watched him leave the room with a smile. Geez he's so nice with me I don't even know if I deserve it. After a while I did everything to finish my duties and spend the rest of the day with him. Probably we're going to train or have a nice time chatting.

Every time I see him, I remember the first day we met. He was so serious and stoick. Almost acting like a robot, trained to only fulfill the duties his Kazekage told him to. To act like the perfect shinobi.

'Oh, if everyone knew how goofy he really is'

"Ready to go?" He said while bringing me back to reality once he saw me at the hospital gates. I blinked a few times and realized that he was reaching out his hand, waiting for me to place mine.

It's been a long time since I felt this happy. And I'm going to treasure these moments with him as long as I live.

"Yes" I replied.

Konoha's New Prodigy: A New PathWhere stories live. Discover now