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"You don't remember?" Shikadai asked with concern. "Himawari, do you know what you're saying?"

"Of course I do! I don't remember havig another episode! Who was with me anyways?" I replied with worry.

"Boruto was with you. He says you two were talking and then you suddenly had a rampage."

"That doesn't make any-"

"Hima-chan! Are you alright?" Bpruto said while entering the room and approaching me in a loving way.

"Boruto you're not supposed to be here." Shikadai protested.

"I'm her brother, I have to be here with her."

"But with previous authorization!"

"Enough. Boruto nii-chan, I'm fine. Shikadai, I'm sorry but I don't remember how exactly it happened or why." I said while Shikadai looked at me in a serious manner.

"What a drag, anyways..." he said while turning to Boruto. "Take care of here while I go out for a moment."

"I will" Boruto replied. Once he left I quickly spoke.

"What did you do to my brother?" I demanded as he turned around to face me.

"You're in no position to ask for such demands." He said as his eyes suddenly change from blue to white.

"You first took control of me and now of his body. Let him go!" I said as I struggled to break free but he only moved his hand and suddenly I felt my whole body tremble in pain.

"I will teach you how you should treat me. You will learn to control your manners!" He said as I screamedin pain. "Too bad no one can hear your suffer."

"W-why....what do you want from me?" I asked.

"To be mine" he said as he caressed my face. "Your brother wanted this aswell but he couldn't. He was your brother, and such act will be seen as unholy on these lands."

I blinked a few times, fearing the worst. "W-was? You said....was?"

"The day you left he came to me to make a deal. He wanted you to be beside him and he knew, the only way to do it was to strenghten the connection I created in your body. But, he underestimated me." He said with a smirk. "As soon as he offered his hand for me to shake it, I used my power to exchange our bodies...."

"No....liar!" I said in tears, thinking of the torture he must be going through back in Konoha. "You need to release him! Let him go and I'll be yours! Return to your own body and I'll be yours forever I swear!"

'I really hated to act like this in front of my enemy. But he had my brother, and if this is the price, so be it.'

He laughed, "Oh I should've know how easy this would've been! I know you are a woman of word my dearest Himawari. But, I will not do this unless you do a few things for me first."

"Name them" I said with determination. "I will do it to free my brother."

"Break your relationship with Shinki." I looked at him in shock. "You will be released from the hospital in a few hours. Once you go out, you have to broke up with him. Then at midnight, I'll see you at your apartment."

"Why at midnight?" I asked skeptically. He only grinned and kissed me. I was caught by surprise at how he did it. Plus, it was wrong, he was not Boruto but for anyone else, he was my brother.

"Do your job. Then you'll see" he said as he broke the kiss and left.

Konoha's New Prodigy: A New PathWhere stories live. Discover now