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Naruto suddenly woke up in the middle of the night, finding his beloved wife sleeping peacefully beside him. He smiled, noticing that after all these years of hardwork, he finally could make up for the time he was away working as Hokage.

But that smile suddenly faded as he noticed that ever since Toneri was gone, he couldn't find peace. He went to the bathroom and washed his face. He ended Toneri, he was now dead, long gone and he couldn't hurt his daughter or anyone else no more.

'Then why am I feeling like this dattebayo?'

'It can't be helped. You never did something like that. Not even during the war against Obito...'

'Yeah...I guess there's always a first time for this kind of stuff. But I don't know Kurama...Everything went so...so...'


"Naruto-kun?" He turned to see Hinata looking at him with concern. "Having trouble to sleep again?"

"Guess I'm not the only one dattebayo" he said with a grin, knowing that Hinata couldn't sleep aswell. "We truly miss our kids huh.."

'Dude, she know's you're lying'

"Naruto-kun" Hinata replied with determination. "What's happening?"

Then a sudden knock came from the main door of the house. The couple looked at each other and quickly change their clothes before going downstairs to open it.

"K-Kakashi-sensei?" Naruto asked with surprise.

"Ah, Naruto, Hinata. I hope I didn't interrupted anything.." he said in a serious tone. "I know is late but you need to go to the hospital."

"Hospital? Did something bad happened?" Hinata said.

"Sakura has been doing some research regarding Himawari's status and made a huge discovery."

That was enough to make Hinata and Naruto go to the hospital in a hurry, followed by Kakashi. Once they were there, they quickly saw Sakura who was already waiting for them.

"Naruto, Hinata... Forgive me to make you come at this hour, but I thought this is really important." The Uchiha matriarch said as she guided them through the hallway to enter a specific room destined to research Himawari's condition.

"We've been making Himawari go for a specific treatment during the pasts months because of the poison Toneri implanted in her during the past war. As a result Himawari's chakra has been affected by a strange force, making her lose control of her power and even create dpuble personality."

"Yeah, that was stated before she left. However, everything changed when she started living at Suna." Hinata said.

"That's what we thought. As the months passed by, we thought that her connection with Toneri was weakening, but instead we found that it stayed hidden in her own chakra." Sakura said as she handed Himawari's most recent medical report. "This is last month's report. It says that her behavior is normal but look at her chakra patterns."

Naruto and Hinata gave a deep look into the report. It didn't took long for them to understand what she meant.

"If Toneri's truly 'dead', her chakra patterns should've returned to the ones she showed when she was a little kid. Look.." she added while makig a comparison with another medical report from Himawari when she was 7 years old. "I know, this is hard for both of you. But my theory is that..."

"Impossible!" Naruto said in frustration. "That can't be true! Himawari should be free from becoming Toneri's vessel."

"Naruto-!" Hinata tried to calm him.

"You mean that Toneri has been inside her body all this time? The who did I kill back then?!?!?!" He continued.

"Naruto this is just a theory!" Sakura yelled. "We still have to confirm this with Konohamaru."

"Where's his body?! I need to see it." Naruto replied.

"Naruto control yourself!" Kakashi interrupted. "There's still one medical report from Suna on it's way. Once we receive it we can compare if there are any changes."

"I know but it doesn't make any sense! Why did he told me that before I killed him?!?!"

"What did he told you?" Sakura asked while Naruto went deep in thought.


"Y-you don't understand...the real enemy is out there.."

*End of Flashback*

"That the real enemy is out there." He replied in a more calmed tone.

"If that's true..." Hinata said. "Then who did you killed?"


I opened my eyes only to find myself tied up against the bed. I immediately knew what it meant.

'Great, I had another episode.'

"Hello? Anyone out there? I'm awake you know, I'm tired and I know why but I am free to go!" I yelled but no one answered. "Hey! You can untie me at least!"

A few minutes went by before someone opened the door carefully.

"Ah, finally!" I said as I saw Shikadai enter the room alone. "Hey, Shikadai can you help me get out of-"

"What happened between you and Boruto at your apartment?" He asked as I blinked in shock.

"W-What do you mean?"

"You were with him when you had your episode remember? It's no coincidence that it happened now that he's here."

I stood silent for a while, thinking of how and why did he asked me such questions. But no matter how much I tried to answer him correctly.

I don't remembered anything at all.

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