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What's freedom?

To finally do whatever you want?

Or to be the best version of yourself no matter what everyone else thinks....and be happy with it?

Either way, I know what it feels like being trapped in a cage all my life. And even though I grew up used to that, I only can imagine what it means to be finally free.

I heard my dad's words from afar. I understood him clearly. I know what I have to do but...how?

I'm placed in a....different dimension? A bubble? Everything's white here. Am I finally dead?

"Who are you?" A young voice asked me from behind. I turned around and gasped. It was a young girl, with dark short hair and the same eyes as....mine

It was me, at 6 years old.

"My name's Himawari Uzumaki. Are you lost?"

I couldn't help but let my tears roll down my cheeks as I kneeled in front of her. I was so innocent at that time...

"Where's your papa?" She insisted.

"He's trying to get me." I replied.

"And where is he? And your brother? Do you have a brother?"

"I used to.."

The girl lowered her head in silence. "I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's not your fault."

Silence filled the place once again.

"You know what I learned from papa?" She asked. "That your loved ones never really die. They just stay here" she pressed her chest. "Loving and protecting us."

"What?" I asked as I lifted my head up. But instead of seeing her, I saw the face of my brother.

We didn't moved. We just stared at each other for a while.

"Well someone's surprised to see me dattebasa." He said with a warm smile.

"Brother!!!" I said as I rushed to hug him tightly while crying. He held me closer. "I'm so sorry brother. For everything."

"No. I'm the one who's sorry." He said while breaking the hug. "Himawari, I was selfish for not letting you go and follow your path in life. I always saw you as my young sister. And that took me to make choices that ruined our family. And he will continue to do it, unless you stop him."

"H-How? He controls my mind, my movements, my power."

"Not all of it. Remember the necklace we gave you when you were little?"

"I still use it to this day" I said with a small smile.

"Mom and dad made it together to protect you from people like him. It protects the powers of your Byakugan. They may take a little chakra from it, but not drain all the power."

"B-But...how do you know?" I asked confused.

"It was a secret we kept from you, for your own good." He replied. "But now, it's time to let go..."

I saw how he started to vanish in the air. I tried to reach him one more time in panic. "Brother! Wait"

"Let go Hima.."


"Let go...."

"Don't leave me!"

"I never have, and I never will....Now, let it go Himawari. Let it go...."

His voice was replaced by the echoes of all the chaos that I suddenly could hear as soon as I tried to open my eyes. I noticed that I was being carried in the air by the man who made me suffer all this time.

On the ground I could see all the destruction he was causing with all my power. I saw my parents try to destroy all the monsters he created. I saw how aunt Sakura made a huge effort to save Sarada. Uncle Sasuke using all his power to protect his family from being killed.

Then I saw the necklace I had.

'So this was holding me back all this time'

'Let go Hima'

I sensed a strange chakra I've never felt before. But somehow, it was similar to my brother's. I reached my hand to grab the necklace, and with all the strength I had left...

"Ah, so you finally woke up to see how your loved ones die...."

.....I pulled it away.

Konoha's New Prodigy: A New PathWhere stories live. Discover now