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Finally, I’m free.

I don’t care if I’m dead or not, the feeling of not feeling anything and not caring about how everything will end up is somehow addicting.

However, I wonder how‘s Shinki doing. Did he survived the battle? I hope so…

Did the village survived too? And my mother, my father?

Great, I’m getting worried about certain things so I guess I’m not dead.

“Hima?” I heard someone say as I opened my eyes.

“Mom?” I asked as soon as I spotted her beside the bed. Suddenly she hugged me and started crying. I tried to hid the pain I felt on my body as she kept going.

“I’m so glad you’re safe. Thank Kami!” she said between sobs as she released me from her grip.

“Mother… where am I?” I asked as I realized that this weren’t Suna’s neither Konoha’s hospital rooms.

“We’re at the Land of Demons.” She said. “Your father contacted an old friend we helped in our youth and she gave us a safe home in her palace a month ago.”

“I was asleep for a month?!” I asked in shock. My mother took her time to explain everything that happened while I was gone. How the city got destroyed and all the Five Nations arranged a special meeting regarding my powers and what happened. How Sarada’s death affected the Uchiha family 3 weeks ago.

The Sand Village showed gratitude for my actions, but the rest of the world feared me to the point they started an uprising. Shinki took the lead of the village wanted me to stay, but the counselors feared that the city would be attacked again by the other countries.

“And how did we ended up here?” I asked.

“Your father fought for your right to stay in any of the villages claiming that, being an official shinobi or not, you were born in one of the Five Nations so he claimed your right as a common civilian to stay. But the elders didn’t left us any choice.” She lowered her head.

I nodded, “Where is he now?”

“In a meeting with Shion-sama. In our youth your father went with Neji’s team and Team 7 to protect her from a demon who wanted to kill her. After that she gave Naruto her eternal gratitude.”

After talking with my mother I decided to go and look for my father. The palace was huge! Fortunately I had my Byakugan to guide myself. I found my father inside a room that looked more like an office with someone.

“So it is settled then?” Naruto asked with hope. “You’ll really help us dattebayo’?”

“It’s the least that I can do for saving me when we were young. However, we must ask her first right?”

“Well for that she needs to-” he said before stopping abruptly and turning around. I heard how he rushed to open the door to find me. His facial expression was a mix of shock and pure joy.

“Hima…You’re awake!” he said while hugging me tightly. “I thought I lost you… I mean, I had faith that you’ll get well but….I thought…”

“It’s okay father” I replied with a warm smile. “I’m here. Mom told me everything.”

“In that case you’re ready to hear the news” said a blonde woman with purple eyes who stood behind my father.

I looked at her with curiosity, “You must me Shion-sama.”

“Himawari, she’s the priest and leader of the Land of Demons. We thought that you might stay here for a while and train with her and her son since she knows more about mystical powers than any of us.” Father said.

“And what about you two?” I asked.

“Hinata and I will return to Konoha to try to settle things down before your return.” He said with a sigh. “Hima, I want you to know that we’re not abandoning you. We will return, I promise.”

“I understand father.” I replied.

The following weeks we spent it together as a family around the small village. I met Shion’s son Konan who became my teacher in my mystical arts training. He helped me understand the Tenseigan from a different point of view even though he was very strict.

Months passed by. Mom and dad left the country like they said with the promise of returning to get me. However, things got kinda complicated at the Five Nations. Shinki asked my father to find me and send me letters to ask me how I was doing. He agreed and once a month we started exchanging love letters, hoping, praying for the right time to meet again.

Four years have passed since mom and dad returned to Konoha however, we managed to get in touch through letters once a month. Things haven’t calmed down since then, it was getting worse.

I started to think if Toneri was right all along.

Shinki’s getting desperate for not being able to be beside me and marry me as we once planned. I was getting desperate too.

One of the servants reached me at the balcony of the palace. I was wearing a light purple kimono, my hair was longer that I thought it’ll ever be and I had a katana around my waist.

“My lady” he said as he handed me a single letter for me to read.

“Thank you” I replied as he bowed and left after giving me the paper. But as soon as I read the letter, all the serenity and hope I was having of starting a new life, faded away.

My parents were dead.

Konoha's New Prodigy: A New PathWhere stories live. Discover now