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5 days passed and I couldn't believe how everything changed since they arrived.

I mean, it's not a bad thig that they came to see me but... Shinki and I barely have time for ourselves. Our training time, our mini dates, the wedding, his preparation to take the lead of the village, my work at the hospital was already enough.

And now we have to join the others to make them feel nice during their vacations.

Come on, as if they couldn't live without us.

"Himawari! We're going to have a walk around the village. Wanna join us?" Asked Chocho as I finished putting on my usual training clothes.

I rolled my eyes, "I have to train first. I'll catch you up for lunch."

"But why??" She protested before I heard Sarada's voice telling her to leave me be. I sighed once I knew with my Byakugan that they were gone.

'Damn I really need to breathe'

But how can I expect the people stop seeing me as a monster if I don't join them like everyone else?

I sighed.

'Maybe I should just, relax'

As I opened the door I suddenly bumped into someone I recognized very well. The one I seriously didn't dare to talk to.

"Hello, Himawari" Boruto said in a calm tone.

"I need to go" I said without looking at him and trying to walk away from him but his arm blocked my way.

"We need to talk" he said.

"There's nothing to talk about. Now let me go, or I swear you'll wish to never come here in the first place."

He smirked, making me a little bit confused and nervous at the same time because he never acted like that. "You know I really missed you, sister." He replied as he made a few steps foward. "And I know you missed me too. Am I right?"

"B-Boruto, what are you doing?" I said in annoyance as he pushed me inside my apartment and closed the door behind us. "Boruto nii-chan what's got into you?"

"You know what's got into me. The fights we've had was all because I care about you. But you never got it because you were young and naive. And then you left home."

I kept on making steps back subsconsciously until I felt the wall. He placed his arms around me, blocking any possible exit to escape from him.

"You know we'll always be together right?" He asked giving me a strange look. "There's no man or power on Earth that can separate us."

He caressed one of my hands through my cheek slowly before reaching my neck and starting to choke me with brutal force. I gasped at the sudden movement.

"If you think that you'll escape from me, you're totally wrong. You, belong to me." He said as I tried to escape. I suddenly heard the voices coming back, meaning that I was about to have another episode.

'This can't be! My brother's gone crazy!'

'Kill him. Feel the taste of his blood in your hands.'

'I need to escape! Father must know this.'

'They won't believe you. They all think you're a monster. Join me, and save your life.'

'Shut up!'

"B-B....B" I tried to say before I started to lose consciousness.

"You understand right? You'll never belong to that boy. I will show-"

"Enough!!" I yelled as I suddenly felt my eyes burning, meaning that my Tenseigan just activated. I quickly used my palms to push him away to release myself from him.

I fell on the floor gasping but the headache never left. In fact, it became stronger that ever and my entire body started to move and tremble uncontrollably. The voices started to block every other sound I could hear as my eyes burned.

The last thing I saw was Shikadai, Inojin and Mitsuki entering the room and approaching me with concern. All while my brother stood in one corner of the room giving me a blank stare.

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