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"He WHAT?!?!" Shinki said while doing his best to control himself. Sarada hugged herself in shame and fear as she spoke. She told him how it happened, every detail of what ye did to her and how he threatened to shame her in front of everyone if she said a word about it.

And now, she was expecting.

"Why didn't you said something?! Why you didn't said a word?!?! Now that monster is here at the village and is risking not only Hima but everyone else at the village! Hell Sarada did you even thought of that when you came here?!?!" Shinki said in pure rage.

"Of course I did! I even tried to tell my mother back in Konoha!" Sarada yelled in tears. "But tell me. Tell me how I would endure this if he threatens me to shame me as a woman. How would I become Hokage after this?! You know people are judgemental. You know how they see my clan!"

Shinki walked from side to side in rage, thinking 1,000 ways of killing Boruto. "We have to do something. This cannot stay like this.".

"Shinki we can't-"

"You will not tell me what I can or cannot do Sarada! Boruto made Himawari broke up with me. Only Kami knows why he did that and why Hima agreed to it. Maybe he threatened her with something that might hurt the ones she loves. Damn it!! And you can't hide yourself forever. Soon or later they will find out."

"What are you doing?" Sarada asked as he grabbed her arm and made her follow him.

"We're going to Father's office. You will tell him everything you know and we will notify the village. Nobody will hurt you or the baby while I'm here understood?"


"Are you sure about this?" I asked as we got closer to my apartment. "Please, guys if he finds out-"

"Just trust us Hima. Follow the plan and everything will turn out good." Shikadai assured me with a warm smile. I looked at him and nodded before turning around and going to my apartment.

'I can do this. I can do this...'

I entered slowly to my apartment. It was almost midnight and the place was extremely dark. I activated my Byakugan to see if he was already there.

"You don't need to use that, love" I heard him say as I froze. My head starting to hurt a little but I managed to ignore it. "Did you do what I told you?"

"Where is my brother?" I demanded in a serious tone.

"He's safe..." he said as he approached me with a smirk.

"Show me"

He laughed to himself before trying to caress my face. I suddenly made a few steps back but he continued. "What's the matter love? I was about to show you where your brother is.."

"You don't need to do that" I said before accidentally reaching the wall.

"What's the matter? You have no place to run?" He said as he surrounded me with his arms. Without knowing, I felt his body press agaisnt mine.

"S-stop it." I said as I struggled to break free but he ignored me. Instead, he got excited.

"Stop what, huh? You're enjoying it."

"J-just tell me where my brother is!" I said in fear as my body started betraying me. "Please!"

"Oooh I like that" he said. "Beg me."

"N-no!" I replied with disgust as he suddenly started choking me.

"What did you said huh?!? What was it?!?!?" He said in rage.

"O-oo-kay.....f-f-f-fiiiiine!!" I said as I tried to catch up some air. Then he released his hand and replaced his gesture with a deep, yet disgusting kiss.

'No, stop what am I doing? Why my body's moving like that?!'

For some reason I felt my body had a life of it's own. I couldn't control it amd in a matter of seconds he was on top of me.

"Yes, finally..." he said with a smirk. "Finally we will reconstruct the Otsusuki clan once and for all. Too bad your brother didn't lived enough to watch this."

"NO!!" I yelled as I started to push him away. "Stop it let me go! Leave me alone you murderer!!!"

I pushed him away and tried to get cover somewhere else.

"You....after all I did for you! This is how you pay me?!?!?" He said in rage as he made some hand signs. "I'll show you how to respect me!"

"You'll have to kill me first" I said before feeling another epispde coming. The pain was too much to bear. I fell on the floor trembling uncontrollably as he laughed like a maniac.

"You see?!? I have total control over you!!! I always had it, and I always will!!!" He said.as he revealed his true form.

I saw how Boruto's flesh started to change into the one that represented the main cause of my nightmares.

"Toneri..." I said in rage.

"Ahhh, it feels to be back in my own flesh..." he replied as he used his powers to lift me up. "Now, let's finish what we started."

Suddenly a huge noise could be heard. The wall broke, making him release me by force. Then I felt someone approach me in a hurry.

"Hold on my darling, I'm here..." she said with concern.

Konoha's New Prodigy: A New PathWhere stories live. Discover now