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Thats it I'm coming over there -10 seconds ago

I dropped my phone in the floor, everything that I have now will be ripped away from my hands.......

I slumped on the bed, burying my face in my hands, what honestly was going to happen? How will this end? How long will it take to get them here?

I was interrupted with a knock on the door, it was Mao Mao "Hey (y/n), you okay?"

Should I tell him?

"Y-yeah I'm fine!"

No I shouldn't.....

A smile spread crossed his face as he came over and presses his lips against mine, I kisses back but not aggressively, this wasn't heated, but pleasure~

I pulled back, "what was that for?" He responded with a shrug and lifted me off the bed. "Come on (y/n), how about dinner for two tonight?"

"I'd say I would love that~"

He kissed me on the cheek and left me in the room, alone. I was alone with my thoughts once again, not knowing what to do in a situation like this, as you might know I owe money and broke many promises to a friend who sent me hear to help me with my mental health. What I have done to them was not right I admit, but I'm absolutely terrified that they are coming over!

Another knock on the door was heard.

"Hello (y/n)! Do you think you can finish your story?" Said Adorabat, I gave her a weak smile "of course! Come here".

She came over and sat on my lap.

"hm.... so where did we leave off?"

"Where Mao Mao was fighting Hades!!"

"oh yeah!"

"So there Mao Mao was, clashing swords with the villain Hades, Poor Mao Mao was losing! Our hero was on the ground squirming in pain as Hades foot was on pinning his arm to the ground! Mao Mao was to weak from the fight to pull away or give a good punch to his foot, Hades lifted up his sword, preparing to give a piercing to the brain, Mao Mao closed his eyes, accepting death then-"

"Adorabat!! I need you!" Badgerclops shouted from the kitchen. Adorabat let out a long disappointing sigh before flying off to him. I decided to follow her out, not wanting to stay in the room.

I walked out the door to see Mao Mao, again, right there.......


"you liked the story didn't you?"

"what story?"

I rolled my eyes, " don't give me that, you where clearly eaves dropping".

"UUUHH......fine I did enjoy it a lot, I wanna know what happens next!"

"you have to wait to find out~"

And with that I just left, but I could feel him staring at the back of my head.


Mao Mao x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now