A day in the Park

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As I wandered around the park, I could see everyone was having a good time and hanging out, there was this pink pig named Pinkie who was throwing chunks of bubblegum around the place.( Author's note: I'm trying to be as close to the characters as possible and pinkie is known for being messy so yeah..) It didn't take a genius to figure out that he was going to get in trouble with the sheriff. I sat down in the grass next to a tree, and watched as all the sweetiepie's laughs and giggles with joy, suddenly I felt the ground rumble a little bit, I thought it was my stomach but everyone was noticing it too. Just as I was about to say something, a blue giant beast's roar filled the park, a monster came out, everyone ran for cover, I got up and started running but my foot stuck to the ground and I crashed into the grass, As I looked at my foot, it was covered in pink bubblegum.... Pinkie!!

I tried getting up but geez the bubblegum was strong! The monster was heading near me now."help!", I cried, " help!" but now there was no one in the park but me and the monster. It saw I was the only one left now, it came towards me and opened its mouth, and reached down to the ground where I was, I closed my eyes awaiting death but it took longer than expected, I opened my eyes to see Mao Mao using his katana to pry the beast's jaw open and to stop it." get out of here!" he screamed at me," I can't! I'm stuck!", I screamed back. Suddenly Badgerclops knocked the monster down with his blaster arm thing. Adorabat swarmed around the beast trying to defeat it but the poor thing wasn't really doing anything. Mao Mao grabbed my arms and tried to pull me out but it was no use! He let go of me, his face confused about why the bubblegum was so strong. But he left me and went to go take care of the monster, after about ten minutes of fighting the monster ran back into the forest. Mao Mao, Badgerclops, and Adorabat turned to me and started walking over. "Badgerclops! Use your robot arm to get her out!" Mao Mao ordered,"okay" he said cheerfully and turned his arm into a cutting fan thing and surprisingly cut me out of bubblegum. When I tried to stand up, I collapsed to the ground again," I think I sprained my ankle" I said shyly." "but the doctor is half way across town" Adorabat whined." maybe somebody could take me there on the flying motorcycle, we can't all fit on it obviously but someone can make a quick trip and back, '' I said, I looked at Mao Mao, I was pretty sure he was the one who was going to drive," fine, I'll do it, '' he said, he whistled with his fingers and the bike roared to us. As soon as he got on I hopped on behind him, motorcycle helmets appeared on our heads. I smiled at Badgerclops and Adorabat, they smiled back," so am I supposed to hold on to you?", I said to Mao Mao, he looked at me and replied," why yes of course!" and turned his head to the front again, I put my hands on his hips, this was really uncomfortable but you could tell he was used to it. I felt that we were being lifted on the ground, we were about ten feet in the air before we rocketed forward. I got flashbacks about the plane ride and wrapped my arms around Mao Mao's body, I felt him tense up but pretended to ignore me." thank you by the way, '' I said to break up the awkward tension," for what?"," saving my life, and taking me to the doctor"," well as sheriff around here it is my duty to protect the citizens of pure heart"." I can tell you take your job pretty seriously," I said cheerfully like it where a joke. His eyes were facing right ahead, eyes on the road kind of thing. Suddenly I hugged him, I don't know why though, maybe I was grateful for what he had done, saving my life," Now I could feel him tense this time, his body quivered as I hugged him. I couldn't tell if he hated it or if he liked it, " Is it hard being the sheriff?", I asked," well yes it is, but a hero must do what it takes to protect!"I giggled, he was entertaining," my name is (y/n) by the way!"I said, he looked at me this time,"(y/n)?", he repeated my name in confusion, And looked straight ahead again. I decided to shut up when that was done, it was obvious he didn't like me.

When we finally got their, the motorcycle slid on its side to slow down, I thanked him again and walked into the building, I could feel that he was watching me again until I closed the door.

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