Mao Mao's strange behavior

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  I couldn't get it off my mind that Mao Mao was watching me sleep, was I drooling or Snoring loudly? Thousands of thoughts rushed through my mind, I DID find it creepy that he was watching me sleep, but I was focused more on if I was doing something wrong, I hoped I didn't disturb or bother him in any way.

I thought about it while walking to the kitchen, but maybe I should of stayed in bed longer because Mao Mao was staring at me, he was across the table just looking at me....

oh my gosh, what did I do to Deserve this!!

I gave him an awkward smile, this seemed to alert him that this was getting weird. I grabbed the box of frosted flakes and poured it into my bowl followed by the milk, everyone was eating cereal, no pancakes, grits, eggs, etc.

Breakfast showed that it would probably be a dull day, I carried my bowl to the table, everyone was up gladly!

Badgerclops and Adorabat where playing some nintendo switch rip-off at the table, not really paying attention to their cereal.

Author's note: This scene was by Kitten Snow! I was running out of ideas so she sent me this scene :)

I took in a couple spoonfuls, I looked up for a split second to see Mao Mao staring at me again.

This time I stared back, this was now a staring war! He noticed this but seemed to take the challenge, it was dead silence with us just staring at each other. Mao Mao's face started turning red, he looked embarrassed and turned his head down toward his cereal.

ah, victory.

I was pleased that I had won, but the pleasure ended quickly when Adorabat and Badgerclops started giving us weird looks. okay that's enough, I thought to myself and left the kitchen, I was going to go eat in the dining room, I could hear Badgerclops teasing Mao Mao about what happened before and now. Mao Mao didn't retaliate though, he seemed like the person who would, but all I could hear from him was a soft low growl.

But then Adorabat said something that I would never forget

" so, are you guys going to sleep together now or-"

My bowl slipped from my hands and shattered on the floor.

Mao Mao spit out his cereal, and started coughing.

Adorabat didn't get the message that me and Mao Mao's relationship was NOT THAT CLOSE!

"so when's the wedding?" She asked confusedly. Badgerclops burst out laughing,"ADORABAT DID YOU REALLY THINK THAT BWAHAHAHAAA-"

"THATS NOT FUNNY!" Mao Mao shrieked with a bit of doubt in his tone, his face cherry red. I was still in shock that I didn't realize that my feet were soaked with milk. After what Adorabat said, thoughts and images rushed through my mind of me and Mao Mao, sharing the bed.

"Adorabat it's not like that" I said forcing a smile. Mao Mao put his hand over his face," its not like that at all" Adorabat still had a confused look on her face, but she got the message, and that was all that was important.

Thankfully the monster alarm went off before things got more awkward.

They were quick to leave, and I was alone in the house with cereal and bowl shatterings all over the floor. I Grabbed a rag and wiped up the milk, and the broom to sweep the cereal and pieces of the bowl. I didn't take me long to clean up, I wish it did though because I would be doing something instead of wandering the house looking for entertainment. But I couldn't stop thinking about what Adorabat said, me and Mao Mao sleeping together?! My face was blushing red without me noticing, he wouldn't be a good boyfriend anyway. I sat on the couch to think about it more. We both agreed that the tension between us was over, but I couldn't really forgive him after him acting like an overgrown bratt.

Author's note: Sooo um.... I'm interrupting this story to tell you guys that, Mao Mao doesn't know he has feelings for you, He never experienced this before and doesn't know how to react to it. Before he reacted with anger because he thought that he was feeling angry. Now he's kinda stalking you to find out what he's experiencing when around you 😽, okay back to story!

Maybe I should forgive him, as in letting it go and not bothering me anymore,(forgiveness really helps btw) but it's hard. Its Hard to forgive someone who treated you like crap.

I closed my eyes for a split second to relax, after a few seconds I opened my eyes. I felt better, at least a little.


"AH!" I jumped at the sound, something hit the window. I ran outside to see what it was, laying on the grass in front of the window was a black net, you could tell it was the type of net that when thrown could ensnare you, but this net hit the window and fell back. "what the-"

Everything was black now, it took me a couple seconds to realize that a bad had been put over my head, my hands and feet were tied as well. I couldn't talk but I could hear what was going on.

" Ramaraffe! You were supposed to lure her outside, not shoot the window!"

"sorry boss, I thoughts that the window was open"

Orangosnake and Ramaraffe voices were recognizable.

"so what do we do with her now?"

I could make out Ratarang's voice.

" we take her to our layer!! Mao Mao is sure to come for her, and when he does (insert evil laughter) we'll be ready"

I could feel that I was thrown over his shoulder, and we were moving.

AAAAAAAAAA no no no no noooooo!! I couldn't scream, I couldn't move. And Mao Mao was going to walk right into a trap!

Mao Mao x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now